They thought it desirable that an armed guard () in readiness. A.standsB.standC.stoodD.would stand

They thought it desirable that an armed guard () in readiness.




D.would stand


He employed an excellent lawyer to () him on court but was still ruled guilty. A、protectB、defendC、shieldD、guard

Will you please let us know details of any lines of goods which you think are ()for your market.A、interestingB、suitableC、properD、desirable

It is crucial that you put together a well-thought-out personal statement for each job position applied for.()

The author suggests in the last paragraph that the effect of peer pressure is[A] harmful[B] desirable[C] profound[D] questionable

WhichtwocombinationsarevalidPAgPconfigurationsthatwillsetupaPAgPchannel?() A.On-PassiveB.On-AutoC.Passive-ActiveD.Desirable-AutoE.Active-ActiveF.Desirable-Desirable

WhichthreecombinationsarevalidLACPconfigurationsthatwillsetupachannel?() A.On/OnB.On/AutoC.Passive/ActiveD.Desirable/AutoE.Active/ActiveF.Desirable/Desirable

Which are valid modes for a switch port used as a VLAN trunk? () A.transparentB.autoC.onD.desirable

___________A. refused B. agreed C. thought

______ may not justify detention.A.significant areas of damage or corrosionB.pitting of plating and associated stiffening in decksC.pitting of hull affecting seaworthiness or strength to take local loadsD.the condition of such items as ladder ways,guard-rails,pipe coverings

篮球术语“guard”翻译为“后卫” 。