128 In crashing a task, you would focus on:A. As many tasks as possible.B. Non critical tasks.C. Accelerating performance of tasks on critical path.D. Accelerate performance by minimizing cost.E. A and D

128 In crashing a task, you would focus on:

A. As many tasks as possible.

B. Non critical tasks.

C. Accelerating performance of tasks on critical path.

D. Accelerate performance by minimizing cost.

E. A and D


”You ____ have a wrong number,” she said. “There’s no one of that name here.”A. needB. canC. mustD. would

7. If I _______ you,l_______ take an umbrella with me.A. was ; shouldB. was ; wouldC. were ; willD. were ; would

阅读以下说明和C语言代码,回答问题1至问题4,将解答填入答题纸的对应栏内。[说明]有两个任务(编号分别为0和1)需要访问同一个共享资源,为了解决竞争条件(race condition)的问题,需要实现一种互斥机制,使得在任何时刻只能有一个任务访问该共享资源。代码一给出了一种实现方法。[代码一]1: int flag[2]; /* flag 数组,初始化为FALSE */2: Enter_Critical_Section(int my_task_id, int other_task_id)3: {4: while (flag[other_task_id] == TRUE); /* 空循环语句 */5: flag[my_task_id] = TRUE;6: }7: Exit_Critical_Section(int my_task_id, int other_task_id)8: {9: flag[my_task_id] = FALSE;10: }当一个任务要访问临界资源时,就可以调用代码一给出的这两个函数。代码二给出了任务0的一个例子。[代码二]Enter_Critical_Section(0,1);…使用这个资源…Exit_Critical_Section(0,1);…做其他事情…什么是临界资源(critical resource)?请用100字以内文字简要说明。


"You _________ finish your homework before the dinner." said mother. A.shouldB.have toC.mustD.would

阅读以下技术说明和C语言代码,根据要求回答问题1至问题6。【说明】有两个进程(编号分别为0和1)需要访问同一个共享资源。为了解决竞争条件(race condition)的问题,需要实现一种互斥机制,使得在任何时刻只能有一个进程访问该共享资源。以下【C代码1】给出了一种实现方法。【C代码1】int flag[2]; /+flag数组,初始化为FALSE*/Enter_Critical_Section(int my_task_id, int other_task_id){ while (flag[other_task_id]==TRUE); /*空循环语句*/flag[my_task_id]=TRUE;}Exit_Critical_Section(int my_task_id, int other_task_id){ flag[my_task_id]=FALSE;}当一个进程要访问临界资源时,就可以调用【C代码1】给出的这两个函数。【C代码2】给出了进程0的一个例子。【C代码2】Enter_Critical_Section(0,1);……使用这个资源……Exit_Critical_Section(0,1);……做其他的事情……什么是临界资源(critical resource)?请用100字以内的文字简要说明。

Examine the following options, Multicasting supports applications that communicate.() A. many - to - oneB. one - to - oneC. one - to - manyD. many - to - many

“You ____ have a wrong number,” she said. “There’s no one of that name here.”A. needB. canC. mustD. would

(单选)不饱和空气的干球温度(t)、湿球温度(tw)、绝热饱和温度(tas)、露点温度(td)的相对大小关系是:()*A.t >td> tw >tas ;B.tw > t> tas >td;C.t >tw = td > tas;D.t >tw =tas >td;

不饱和空气的干球温度(t)、湿球温度(tw)、绝热饱和温度(tas)、露点温度(td)的相对大小关系是:()A.t >td> tw >tas ;B.tw > t> tas >td;C.t >tw = td > tas;D.t >tw =tas >td;