_____the bad weather, we had to stay at home watching TV. A.BecauseB.ForC.Because ofD.With

_____the bad weather, we had to stay at home watching TV.



C.Because of



He enjoys() football matches on TV. A. to watchB. watchC. watchedD. watching

12.A.visitingB.looking forC. findingD. watching


Pam will not come to our meeting next week. She ( ) in France from Monday till Thursday.A. is stayingB. are stayingC. stay

It is hoped that the weather will( )warm for three more days.A. lastB. go onC. keep onD. stay

Weather _______, we‘ll go out for a walk. A. permitted B. permitting C. permits D. for permitting

I like sitting in the cafes,()the newspapers and()people .Aread;watchBreading;watchingCread;watching



1、当用户点击文件名称为“weather.jpg”的图像时,需要将用户点击图像的坐标发送到后台名为"weather.jsp"的程序模块处理,即将图像定义服务器端图像映射,则下面正确的选项为()。A.<a href="weather.jpg"> <img src="weather.jsp" ismap /> </a>B.<a href="weather.jsp"> <img src="weather.jpg" ismap /> </a>C.<a href="weather.jsp"> <img src="weather.jpg" usemap /> </a>D.<a href="weather.jpg"> <img src="weather.jsp" usemap /> </a>