There______an English evening next Saturday. A.will to going to going to be

There______an English evening next Saturday.

A.will have to have going to do going to be


He usually goes out for ___ walk in ___ evening. A.a, theB.a, /C.the, /D./, /

He often works in ( )evening.A. aB. /C. the

以下程序的输出结果是()。includevoid func(char**m){++m:cout 以下程序的输出结果是( )。 #include<iostream.h> void func(char**m) { ++m: cout<<*m<<end1; } void main() { static char*a[]={"MORNING","AFTERTOON","EVENING"}; char**n: n=a; func(n); }A.为空B.MORNINGC.AFTERTOOND.EVENING

以下程序的输出结果是()。includevoid func(char**m) {++m:cout 以下程序的输出结果是( )。 #include<iostream.h> void func(char**m) { ++m: cout<<*m<<endl; } void main() { static char*a[]={"MORNING","AFTERTOON","EVENING"}; char**n; n=a: func(n); }A.为空B.MORNINGC.AFTERTOOND.EVENING

有以下程序#include stdio.hvoid fun(char **p){ p=p+2; printf("%s\n",*p);}main(){ char *a[]={"Morning","Afternoon","Evening","Night"}; fun(a);}程序的运行结果是A.rningB.afternoonC.ternoon D.Evening

以下程序的输出结果是()。includeincludeusing namespace std;void func(cha 以下程序的输出结果是( )。 #include<iostream> #include<stdlib> using namespace std; void func(char **m) { ++m; cout<<*m<<endl; } main() { static char *a[]={"MORNING","AFTERNOON","EVENING"); char **n; n=a; func(n); system("PAUSE"); return 0; }A.为空B.MORNINGC.AFTERNOOND.EVENING

在VB中,认为下面哪两个变量名是相同的:( ) A、English和Engl_ishB、English和ENGLISHC、English和EnglD、English和England

She asked me whether()English.Awas IBam ICare youDI was

在接听酒店外线电话,且对方是说英语的客人,我们该如何应对?A.Good morning /afternoon/ evening.#B.Hello, this is XX hotel.#C.Morning, what can I do for you?#D.Good morning /afternoon/ evening, XXX hotel. Thanks for your calling. How may I assist you?

1、Chinese: 一分耕耘,一分收获;English: No pains, no gains. What’s the translation skill used in this example of Chinese-to-English _______?A.Sentence divisionB.AffirmationC.TranspositionD.Negation