Normally, when hearing compliments, a typical Chinese reaction is to show(). A、disagreement and angerB、modesty and humilityC、enjoyment and prideD、pride and gratitude
Normally, when hearing compliments, a typical Chinese reaction is to show().
A、disagreement and anger
B、modesty and humility
C、enjoyment and pride
D、pride and gratitude
The students experience severe __________ as final exams draw near. A.controlB.pressureC.tensionD.reaction
( ) are ( ). A、The Chineses/ a hard working peopleB、The Chinese/ hard working peopleC、Chinese/ hardworking peoplesD、Chinese/ hardworking people
Much to our surprise, her ______ to the award was indifference. A. positionB. tendencyC. signalD. reaction
Please find the exact definition for "perception".A. all the goods in a shopB. someone who looks very neat and cleanC. a small mistakeD. the way that you notice things with your senses of sight,hearing,etc
You really work hard, but don’t you think life is too boring without any ____ ?A. pastimesB. advantagesC. distractionsD. compliments
The ____ of being beaten by a weaker man is more than the champion can stand.A. advantageB. disgraceC. sincerityD. compliments
从下列句子中选出一句最好的表达A.Each person has a unique way to say, to hear, to touch, as well as tasting and thinking.B.Each person has a unique way of saying, hearing, touching, tasting and thinking.C.Each person has a unique way to say and hear, touching, tasting, and thinking.D.Each person has a unique way: saying, hearing, touching, tasting and thinking.