The school has ____ some top students. A.turned awayB.turned upC.turned inD.turned out

The school has ____ some top students.

A.turned away

B.turned up

C.turned in

D.turned out


How long() you() a member of the club? A.have,,joinedB.have,,beenC.has,,joinedD.has,,been

He said that he ______ already _______ the English film. A. has; seenB. has; seeC. had; seen

He () some difficulty () the book into Japanese. A、is, to translateB、has, to translateC、is, in translatingD、has, in translating

Whichfouraretrue?() A.Has-arelationshipsshouldneverbeencapsulated.B.Has-arelationshipsshouldbeimplementedusinginheritance.C.Has-arelationshipscanbeimplementedusinginstancevariables.D.Is-arelationshipscanbeimplementedusingtheextendskeyword.E.Is-arelationshipscanbeimplementedusingtheimplementskeyword.F.Anarrayoracollectioncanbeusedtoimplementaone-to-manyhas-arelationship.G.TherelationshipbetweenMovieandActressisanexampleofanis-arelationship.

When William hurried home, he found that his mother ____already ____to hospital.A、has; been sentB、had; sentC、has; sentD、had; been sent

Consider the Mysql Enterprise Audit plugin. A CSV file called data.csv has 100 rows of data. The stored procedure prepare_db ( ) has 10 auditable statements.You run the following statements in the mydb database: Mysql> CALL prepare_db ( );Mysql> LOAD DATA INFILE ‘/tmp/data.cav‘ INTO TABLE mytable; Mysql> SHOW TABLES;How many events are added to the audit log as a result of the preceding statements?()A.12; only top-level statements and stored procedure events are loggedB.111; top-level statements and all lower-level statements are loggedC.3; only the top-level statements are loggedD.102; top-level statements are logged, but LOAD DATA INFILE is logged as a separate event

Neither Tom nor John__a bike of__own.A.have,theirB.has,hisC.have,hisD.has,their

给定一个JSP程序源代码,如下: <jsp:forward page="result.jsp"> <jsp:param name="school" value="FAFU"/> </jsp:forward > 在result.jsp中,使用()代码片段可以输出参数school的值A.<jsp:getParam name="school">B.<jsp:getParameter name="school">C.<%=request.getAttribute("school")%>D.<%=request.getParameter("school")%>

单选题:在下列的 HTML 网页中,哪个可以产生超链接? A.<a url=""></a> B.<a href="">W3School</a> C.<a></a> D.<a name=""></a>

8、在下列的 HTML 中,哪个可以产生超链接?A.<a url=""></a>B.<a href="">W3School</a>C.<a></a>D.<a name=""></a