That unfortunate remark( )his ignorance of the subject. A、shelteredB、detectedC、explainedD、exposed

That unfortunate remark( )his ignorance of the subject.






Three experts were invited to the talk show to () the possible outcome of deforestation. A、observeB、commentC、talkD、remark

Poverty is always connected ____ignorance. A、withB、toC、inD、at

I must ________ on your giving me a straight forward answer. A.restB.insistC.commentD.remark

7. Hi! This is_______ new teacher.__________ name is Linda.A. your; MyB. his; YourC. your ; HerD. her; His

It is not always easy to _______ how the elections will turn out. A.accountB.predictC.tellD.remark

在HIS上出现”OFFSCALE”信息,表示:(). A、地图超出HIS的显示范围B、TCAS超出HIS的显示范围C、气象雷达超出HIS的显示范围

不要为这些评论而生气,你就把它们当成笑话好了。(remark, treat as)(中译英)

下列不属于盒子化产品的是() A.HCS1600B.HCS2600C.HIS1600D.HIS2600

英译汉:“remark”,正确的翻译为( )。 A.备注 B.标记 D.唛头

【单选题】下面程序的输出是。 main() {enum team {my,your=4,his,her=his+10}; printf("%d%d%d%dn",my,your,his,her);}A.0 1 2 3B.0 4 0 10C.0 4 5 15D.l 4 5 15