194 Using the data shown in the Special window, Activities P, Q, and T are critical path activities. In order to shorten the time duration of the project, which activity should be "crashed" first?A. PB. QC. RD. SE. T
194 Using the data shown in the Special window, Activities P, Q, and T are critical path activities. In order to shorten the time duration of the project, which activity should be "crashed" first?
A. P
B. Q
C. R
D. S
E. T
有定义如下:struct sk{ int a;float b;}data,*p;如果p=data;则对于结构变量data的成员a的正确引用时( )A)(*).data.a B)(*p).aC)p-data.a D)p.data.a
已知:structsk{inta;floatb;}data,*p;若有p=data,则对data中的成员a的正确引用是()。 A.(*p).data.aB.(*p).aC.p-data.aD.p.data.a
设有定义:struct sk {int a;float b;} data,* p; 若有p= data;,则对data中的a域的正确引用是 ( )A.(* p).data.aB.(* p).aC.p->data.aD.p.data.a
已知有结构体: struct sk { int a; float b; }data,*p; 若有p=data, 则对data的成员a的正确引用是( )。A.(*p).data.aB.(*p).aC.p->data.aD.p.data.a
有如下变量定义,则对data中的a的正确引用是:struct sk { int a; float b; } data, *p=data;A.(*p).data.aB.(*p).aC.p->data.aD.p.data.a
删除单链表中指针p所指结点的语句序列为()。A.q=p->next; p->data=q->data; p->next=q->next; free(q);B.q=p->next; q->data=p->data; p->next=q->next; free(q);C.q=p->next; p->next=q->next; free(q);D.q=p->next; p->data=q->data; free(q);
2、有如下变量定义,则对data中的a的正确引用是:struct sk { int a; float b; } data, *p=data;A.(*p).data.aB.(*p).aC.p->data.aD.p.data.a