
I’m ___ enough to know it is going to be a very difficult situation to compete against three strong teams.

A) realistic        B) conscious          C)aware             D)radical



The proposal was _________ as too radical by the committee. A.refusedB.rejectedC.declinedD.repelled

Statistics alone cannot reveal the width of the ongoing economic change, because the nature of work itself_________ .A. is being measured successfullyB. is constantly making changesC. is receiving much radical considerationD. is increasingly getting challenged

I'm enough to know it is going to be a very? Imenoughtoknowitisgoingtobeaverydifficultsituationtocompeteagainstthreestrongteams.A)awareB)consciousC)radicalD)realistic

According to the author, which statement concerning philosophers is most nearly accurate?A. They are impractical.B. They are too radical.C. They are a thoughtful group.D. They have contempt for humanity.

The only way to reverse the worsening situation seems to be[ A] a policy of gradualism.[ B] sacrifice of public interests.[ C] radical changes of policy.[ D] postponing of drastic actions.

It is most important that the children be ________ in the knowledge that they are loved.A secureB consciousC reliableD alert

She is as ________ as a rabbit; she may even scream at the sight of a fly (苍蝇).A confidentB consciousC timidD cheerful

We are of course()that the time for completion of your project has already been exceeded. A、knowB、to knowC、awareD、sure

It can be inferred from the increase of fruit consumption that ______.A) people had to spend more on transportation and furnitureB) people were more health consciousC) people were more money consciousD) the price of fruit dropped dramatically

在用U2000对PTN设备进行管理时,会发现设备中的以太网端口标识不可设置为( )? A.AccessB.TrunkC.Tag AwareD.Hybrid

What is used to correct for both induced and permanent magnetism,and consequently must be readjusted with radical changes in latitude ________.A.Flinders barB.Soft iron spheresC.Fore-and-aft permanent magnets in their traysD.Heeling magnet

He is an incurable idealist; it's unlike to help him come down to earth and be more ( )A.realisticB.racialC.recycledD.rebellious

Ecological vehicles are made of materials that can be easily ( )once they are dumped.A.realisticB.racialC.recycledD.rebellious

The relations between my mother and brother were getting worse as my brother grew older and more( )A.realisticB.racialC.recycledD.rebellious

There has been a lot of( ) prejudice in American .A.realisticB.racialC.recycledD.rebellious

What is the root cause of desertification?A.poor farmingB.overpopulationC.radical climate changeD.disappearance of rare plant species

It’s offered as proof that she’s a____woman who won’t waste taxpayer’s money.A.principledB.patrioticC.pioneerD.radical

There is a need for radical changes in education.A: revolutionaryB: long-termC: short-termD: systematic

A complete change in policy is needed if relations are ever to improve.A: strictB: wideC: everD: radical

China is an agricultural country,therefore agriculture is inevitably( )in national economy. A.inevitable B.fundamental C.radical D.basic

Sacco and Vanzetti were sentenced to death and executed because()Aof their radical political viewsBthey were guilty of killing two peopleCthey were members of KKKDthey stole$16,000

Most of the measures F.D.Roosevelt took in the first hundred days he was in the White House were to()Astop bank failuresBprevent radical actions in the United StatesCprevent the further worsening of the economic situation and lessen the personal sufferings of the peopleDprevent further worsening of the unstable political situation

Sacco and Vanzetti were sentenced to death and executed because()A、of their radical political viewsB、they were guilty of killing two peopleC、they were members of KKKD、they stole$16,000

若要在Action中访问rquest中的信息,需要实现()接口。A、Request AwareB、Application AwareC、Parameter AwareD、Session Aware

名词解释题氧自由基(oxygen free radical)

名词解释题自由基(free radical)

单选题Sacco and Vanzetti were sentenced to death and executed because()Aof their radical political viewsBthey were guilty of killing two peopleCthey were members of KKKDthey stole$16,000