According to the movie, what two instruments can Ike play?() A.Trumpet and DrumsB.Guitar and PianoC.Drums and SaxophoneD.Trumpet and Saxophone

According to the movie, what two instruments can Ike play?()

A.Trumpet and Drums

B.Guitar and Piano

C.Drums and Saxophone

D.Trumpet and Saxophone


What()I do()I miss the train. A.shall,becauseB.shall,ifC.can,becauseD.shall,although

We found()fun()with these children. A、 playB、this...playedC、that...playingD、

The child has no understanding of problems, according ____ the doctor.A. forB. inC. onD. to

i need a _______________ milk for this recipe. A. two-litre carton ofB. two litres carton ofC. two-litres-carton ofD. two-litre carton

The professor asked us to write a _____________ report.A、two-hundreds-wordsB、two-hundreds-wordC、two-hundred-wordsD、two-hundred-word


不可用Windows XP提供的媒体播放机播放的文件是()。

IKE配置前准备需要决定哪些内容() A.确定IKE交换过程中使用的验证算法B.确定IKE交换过程中使用的加密算法C.确定IKE交换过程中使用的DH算法强度D.确定交换双方的身份验证机制

[A]devices [B]instruments [C]readers [D]examiners

According ______ the report,the ship hit the wharf when berthing.A.ofB.toC.forD.on