The sight of his native place called back his childhood.看了自己的故乡一眼,他就想起了自己的童年。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。
The sight of his native place called back his childhood.看了自己的故乡一眼,他就想起了自己的童年。()
7. Hi! This is_______ new teacher.__________ name is Linda.A. your; MyB. his; YourC. your ; HerD. her; His
发现对手是女的,他就本能地认为自己会赢 译为: His ______ was that he would win as the rival turned out to be a woman.
4个基因(MAT, HIS4, THR4, and LEU2)在啤酒酵母染色体III 上相互距离如下 HIS4 ↔ MAT 37 cM,THR4 ↔ LEU2 35 cM,LEU2 ↔ HIS4 23 cM, MAT ↔ LEU2 16 cM, MAT ↔ THR4 20 cM。 基因的顺序 为 HIS4 -MAT - THR4 - LEU2。
【单选题】下面程序的输出是。 main() {enum team {my,your=4,his,her=his+10}; printf("%d%d%d%dn",my,your,his,her);}A.0 1 2 3B.0 4 0 10C.0 4 5 15D.l 4 5 15
4、The movie ____________________ (使她想起了自己艰辛的童年). (remind of)