What keeps Grimsvotn still?A. The slow flow of waterB. The low water temperatureC. The thick glacierD. The water pressure

What keeps Grimsvotn still?

A. The slow flow of water

B. The low water temperature

C. The thick glacier

D. The water pressure


_____ is used as coolant in light-water reactors. A、GasB、Organic compoundC、Molten saltD、Water

如果max_number_of_sdcchs=24number_of_sdcchs_preferred=16sdcch_need_low_water_mark=16sdcch_need_high_water_mark=4那么在第一次由TCH向SDCCH再配置时,有多少个SDCCH已经被占用?() A.12B.21C.20D.13


4.— Did you have anyone ______the trees?—Yes,l had the trees ______.A. to water ;waterB. to water; wateredC. water ; to be wateredD. water; watered



He gets these flowers _____ every day.A、wateredB、to waterC、wateringD、water

Man cannot live without______ water. A. aB. theC. anD. /

MOTO参数中已知:max_number_of_sdcch=24、number_sdcch_preferred=16sdcch_need_high_water_mark=4、sdcch_need_low_water_mark=16,当sdcch被占用几个时,TCH会向sdcch转换() A.24B.21C.12D.13

Such problem ()air, water, and noise pollutions are becoming more and more serious in some big cities.AlikeBasCofDabout