They discussed the problem three or four times, but could come to no ( ). A. endB. resultC. conclusionD. judgement
They discussed the problem three or four times, but could come to no ( ).
A. end
B. result
C. conclusion
D. judgement
Roundline is a ______.A.four-stranded, left- or right-handed lineB.three-stranded, right-handed lineC.three-stranded, left-handed lineD.small tarred hempline of three strands laid left-handed
以下对枚举类型名的定义中正确的是( )A.enum a={one,two,three};B.enum a{one=9,two=-1,three=200};C.enum a={"one","two","four"};D.enum a{"nine","two","three"};
下列语句能给数组赋值,而不使用for循环的是A.myArray{[1]="One";[2]="Two";[3]="Three";}B.String s[5]=new String[] {"Zero","One","Two","Three","Four"};C.String s[]=new String[] {"Zero","One","Two","Three","Four"};D.String s[]=new String[]= {"Zero","One","Two","Three","Four"};
下列给字符串二维数组进行赋值的语句中,错误的是()。A.String s[ ] [ ] = new String [ ] [ ] { { “One “ , “ Two “ }, { “ Three “ , “ Four “ } } ;B.String s[ ] [ ] = { { “ One “ , “Two “},{ “ Three “ , “ Four “ } } ;C.String s[ ] [ ] = new String [ ] [ ] { { “Zero”} , { “ One ” , “Two” , “ Three” , “ Four” } } ;D.String s[ 2] [2 ] = { { “ One ” , “Two”},{“ Three” , “ Four” } } ;