I have worked in this university ( ) 1980. A、forB、sinceC、till

I have worked in this university ( ) 1980.





–Do you think it OK if I postpone my Tuesday's appointment till Wednesday?–() A、Yes, you can.B、No problem.C、No, you can't.D、I have something to do then.

I’d like to ________ your essay with you when you have time. A.go forB.go overC.go afterD.go by

I have profited much( )your advice A. forB. toC. fromD. at

i( )in bangkok for two years with my last company. A. workingB.workC. workedD. have worked

2.—Where have you been this morning?—I've been_________ my purse.A.looking forB. findingC. searchingD. find out


I worked _____12 last night. Of course, _____then I was really tired.A. till, afterB. at, tillC. till, by

I have come to say goodbye( )you. A.forB.toC.aboutD.at

I have had many snacks _________ the meal. A.byB.toC.untilD.till

I()in the company for more than ten years.A. workB. have workedC. worked

I have lived here () 1997. A、forB、sinceC、atD、from

I am well acquainted ()local conditions and have excellent business connections.A、forB、throughC、byD、with

I am very busy.I have a very difficult problem(). A、to workB、to work outC、to be worked outD、to work it out

( ) you have worked out the hard problem, you shall have a rest first.A.By nowB.Ever sinceC.Now thatD.In that

I have never worked for such a considerate________; I think all the other________ have the same opinion. A.employee...employerB.employee...employersC.employer...employeeD.employer...employees

I like Angela Carter s works. Up till now I ()ten of her works. A、have readB、am readingC、is readingD、had read

I first met Lisa three years ago when we ________ at a radio station together.A.have worked B.had been working C.were working D.had worked

I have kept up a friendship with a girl whom I was at school( )twenty years ago.A.aboutB.sinceC.tillD.with

lie got a job with the corporation in 2000 and has worked there__________A.sinceB.ever sinceC.ever beforeD.till then

I have been looking____your kind reply.A.out forB.down onC.in onD.forward to

()I got a first, I'd stay in university and I'd do a postgraduate research degree.A、AsB、SinceC、WhenD、If

I have lived here()1997.A、forB、sinceC、from

He worked in this company () several years.A、inB、sinceC、for

单选题Speaker A: Want to come over Thursday for supper? Speaker B:()AI really can't. You'll not mind, I thinkBLet's put it off till laterCThanks, but I have to work that eveningDNo, I don't want to

单选题It is a very difficult problem,but I think I shall worked it out by nine o’clock.AI shall work it outBI shall have worked it outCI shall be working it outDI must have worked it out

单选题I have worked on three()Saturdays.AcontinuousBconsistentCsuccessiveDregular

单选题They _____ on the program for almost one week before I joined them, and now we _____ on it as no good results have come out so far.Ahad been working; are still workingBhad worked; were still workingChave been working; have workedDhave worked; are still working