Are the Williams here yet?( ) A. No,they don'tB. Yes,he isC. No,he is notD. Yes,they are.
Are the Williams here yet?( )
A. No,they don't
B. Yes,he is
C. No,he is not
D. Yes,they are.
publicclassTestDemo{privateintx=2;staticinty=3;publicvoidmethod(){finalinti=100;intj=10;classCinner{publicvoidmymethod(){//Here}}}}在Here处可以访问的变量是哪些?() A.xB.yC.iD.j
"May I speak to your manager Mr. Williams at five o′clock tonight?" "I′m sorry. Mr. Williams ___________ to a conference long before then."A.have goneB.would have goneC.had goneD.will have gone
9. 在手性催化氧化方面做出突出贡献而获得诺贝尔化学奖的科学家是() A. K.Barry Sharpless B. Ryoji Noyori C. William S.Knowles D. Robert Burns WoodwardA.K.Barry SharplessB.Ryoji NoyoriC.William S.KnowlesD.Robert Burns Woodward