Power games, withholding information, and hidden agendas are examples of-.A noiseB communication barriersC indirect communicationD mixed messagesE All of the above

Power games, withholding information, and hidden agendas are examples of-.

A noise

B communication barriers

C indirect communication

D mixed messages

E All of the above


Program that can destroy another computer’s programs are called () . A、bugsB、bugsC、virusesD、games

在J2EE中,在my.jsp中使用标记扩展,下列选项正确的是() A.%@taglibURL=”/hello”prefix=”examples”%B.%@taglibURI=”/hello”prefix=”examples”%C.%@tagliburl=”/hello”prefix=”examples”%D.%@tagliburi=”/hello”prefix=”examples”%

The author develops his writing mainly by means of _____.[A] reasoning[B] examples[C] comparisons[D] quotations


In short, without information, a manager can only make()blindly.A、 managementsB、 decisionsC、 agendas

A UNIX user named Bob wants to replace his chess program with a new one,but he is hot sure where the old one is in stalled.Bob is currently able to run a Java chess program starting from his home directory/home/bobusingthecommand:java-classpath/test:/home/bob/downloads/*.jargames.ChessBob’sCLASSPATHisset(atlogintime)to:/usr/lib:/home/bob/classes:/opt/java/lib:/opt/java/lib/*.jar What is a possible location for the Chess.class file?()A./test/Chess.classB./home/bob/Chess.classC./test/games/Chess.classD./usr/lib/games/Chess.classE./home/bob/games/Chess.classF.inside jarfile/opt/java/lib/Games.jar(withacorrectmanifest)G.inside jarfile/home/bob/downloads/Games.jar(withacorrectmanifest)


A UNIX user named Bob wants to replace his chess program with a new one, but he is not sure where theold one is installed. Bob is currently able to run a Java chess program starting from his home directory /home/bob using the command: java-classpath /test:/home/bob/downloads/*.jar games.Chess Bob‘sCLASSPATH is set (at login time) to/usr/lib:/home/bob/classes:/opt/java/lib:/opt/java/lib/*.jarWhat is a possible location for the Chess.class file?()A./test/Chess.classB./home/bob/Chess.classC./test/games/Chess.classD./usr/lib/games/Chess.classE./home/bob/games/Chess.classF.inside jarfile /opt/java/lib/Games.jar (with a correct manifest)G. inside jarfile /home/bob/downloads/Games.jar (with a correct manifest)

Which system provides redundant system clocks?() A.Power 595B.Power 560C.Power 570D.Power 550

WhatistheminimumversionofPOWERarchitecturewhichsupportscappedanduncappedpartitionsinthesamesharedprocessorpool?() A.POWER4B.POWER5C.POWER6D.POWER5+