The accounting head asks an assistant to cut the payroll checks today. The head later arrives to sign the checks, only to find that the assistant shredded (cut) the blank check forms. Which phrase best describes this lack of communication.A Bypass instructionB Faulty perception of realityC Bad attitude of listenerD Lazy listeningE Emotionalism

The accounting head asks an assistant to cut the payroll checks today. The head later arrives to sign the checks, only to find that the assistant shredded (cut) the blank check forms. Which phrase best describes this lack of communication.

A Bypass instruction

B Faulty perception of reality

C Bad attitude of listener

D Lazy listening

E Emotionalism



__(41)__是正确的网页代码结构。A. B. __(41)__是正确的网页代码结构。A.<html> </html> <head> </head> <body> </body>B.<tml> < head > <body> </body> < /head > < /html >C.<html> < head > < /head > <body> </body> < /html >D.<html> <body> < head > < /head > </body> < /html >

设有指针head指向的带表头结点的单链表,现将指针p指向的结点插入表中,使之成为第一个结点,其操作是______其中p^.next、head^.next分别表示p、head所指结点的链域。A.p^.next:=head^.next; head^.next:=pB.p^.next:=head^.next; head:=pC.p^.next:=head; head:=pD.head^.next:=head; p:=head

设单链表表头指针为head,现将指针P指向的结点插入表中,使之成为第一个结点,其操作是 ______。其中p^. next、head^.next分别表示p、head所指结点的链域。A.p^. next:=head^. next;head^. next:=pB.p^. next:=head^. next;head:=pC.p^. next:=head;head:=pD.head^. next:=head;p:=head

2、在一个带头结点的单链表中,若 head 所指结点是头结点,若要删除第一个实际元素结点,则执行()。A.p=head->next;head->next=p->next;free(p);B.p=head;free(p);head=head->next;C.head=head->next;p=head;free(p);D.p=head;head=head->next;free(p);

不带头结点的单链表head为空的判定条件是______。A.head = = NULL;B.head->next = = NULL;C.head->next = = head;D.head! = NULL;

带头结点的单链表head为空的判定条件是______。A.head = = NULL;B.head->next = = NULL;C.head->next = = head;D.head! = NULL;



在一个带头结点的单链表中,若 head 所指结点是头结点,若要删除第一个实际元素结点,则执行()。A.p=head->next;head->next=p->next;free(p);B.p=head;free(p);head=head->next;C.head=head->next;p=head;free(p);D.p=head;head=head->next;free(p);