The doctor decided to _________ Tom’s s tomach to remove the tumor. A. openB. open upC. turn upD. light up

The doctor decided to _________ Tom’s s tomach to remove the tumor.

A. open

B. open up

C. turn up

D. light up


28.If you found a pencil case ,it may be(可能是) _________.A. Mike'sB. Lisa’sC. Tom’sD. John's

The ____________ shoes were covered with mud, so I asked them to take them off before they got into __________ car.A. girl’s; Tom’sB. girls’; Toms’C. girls’; Tom’sD. girl’s; Toms’

若有定义 String jerry="I love Tom",s1;则s1=jerry.substring(2)的值为() A、lB、loveC、loveTomD、Tom

从切片中删除一个元素,下面的算法实现正确的是() A.func (s *Slice)Remove(value interface{}) error {for i, v := range *s { if isEqual(value, v) { if i== len(*s) - 1 { *s = (*s)[:i] }else { *s = append((*s)[:i],(*s)[i + 2:]...) } return nil }}return ERR_ELEM_NT_EXIST}B.func (s *Slice)Remove(value interface{}) error {for i, v := range *s { if isEqual(value, v) { *s = append((*s)[:i],(*s)[i + 1:]) return nil }}return ERR_ELEM_NT_EXIST}C.func (s *Slice)Remove(value interface{}) error {for i, v := range *s { if isEqual(value, v) { delete(*s, v) return nil }}return ERR_ELEM_NT_EXIST}D.func (s *Slice)Remove(value interface{}) error {for i, v := range *s { if isEqual(value, v) { *s = append((*s)[:i],(*s)[i + 1:]...) return nil }}return ERR_ELEM_NT_EXIST}

下列哪些是可以放在循环里的不可迭代对象() A.s='hello'['Tom','Jack','Susan']C.x=100D.list=[1,2,3,4]

在 Python中设有s=['a', 'b'],则语句序列s.append([1, 2]); s.extend('34'); s.extend([5,6]); s.insert(1, 7); s.insert(10, 8); s.pop(); s.remove('b'); s[3: ]=[]; s.reverse()”执行后, s值为:_____________.

下面程序运行时 For m=1 To 3 For n=0 To m-1 s=s+n Next n Next m 内层循环的循环总次数是6次

s=[32,45,63,12,45,89,77] s.remove(45) del s[2] s.pop(4) 上述语句执行结果是什么?(注:要自己写出结果,不要在解释器上执行)

列表s=[1,2,3,4,5],以下可以删除列表s中2和3两个表项的代码有:A.del s[1:3]B.s[1:3] = []C.s.remove(2,3)D.del s[2:3]
