Using the situation shown in the Special window and assuming continues efficiency for work-in-progress and fixed price contract for task four. The estimate at completion is:A . $19KB . $21KC . $26KD . $29KE . indeterminate

Using the situation shown in the Special window and assuming continues efficiency for work-in-progress and fixed price contract for task four. The estimate at completion is:

A . $19K

B . $21K

C . $26K

D . $29K

E . indeterminate


● Embedded system is (66) special computer system which is scalable on both software and (67). It can satisfy the strict requirement of functionality, (68) , cost, volume, and power consumption of the particular application. With rapid development of (69) design and manufacture, CPUs became cheap. Lots of (70) electronics have mbedded CPU and thus became embedded systems. For example, PDAs, cellphones, point-of-sale devices, VCRs, industrial robot control, or even your toasters can be embedded system.(66)A. cost-oriented B. application-oriented C. efficiency-oriented D. consumption-oriented (67)A. program B. application C. kernel D. hardware(68)A. variability B. security C. reliability D. responsibility(69)A. IC B. manual C. flexible D. emulational(70)A. industrial B. military C. consumer D. special

“The Fighter on the Special Front”, a new-produced feature film, will be ________ in the college auditorium at seven tonight. A.showedB.showingC.showD.shown

He is preparing for a lecture on stock ______.A、estateB、exchangeC、plagueD、situation

A) circumstanceB) occasionC) caseD) situation

The outcome of the election was still in doubt.A:income B:resultC:judgment D:situation

We explicitly make allowance for the fact that production.______when the artist dies, implying that the collectors can be sure that in the future no new similar pieces of art will put pressure on the prices in this specific market segment.A.confinesB.conformsC.ceasesD.continues

Attitudes to mental illness have shifted in recent years.A:displayed B:shown.C:changed D:demonstrated

下列样式代码中,可精确定义元素位置的是()A.special{ position: absolute;}B.special{ position: absolute; top:20px; left:16px;}C.special{ position: relative;; top:20px; left:16px;}D.special{ position: relative;}

下列定义的外部中断0函数正确的是()。A.void int0() interrupt 1 using 0B.void int0() interrupt 0 using 0C.void int0() interrupt 2 using 0D.void int0() interrupt 3 using 0

【多选题】下列样式代码中,可精确定义元素位置的是:A..special{ position: absolute;}B..special{ position: absolute; top:20px; left:16px;}C..special{ position: relative;; top:20px; left:16px;}D..special{ position: relative;}