Planning activities such that predetermined resource availability pools are not exceeded is called:A.Resource leveling.B.Manpower leveling.C.Resource limited planning.D.Manpower planning.E.Manpower contingency planning.

Planning activities such that predetermined resource availability pools are not exceeded is called:

A.Resource leveling.

B.Manpower leveling.

C.Resource limited planning.

D.Manpower planning.

E.Manpower contingency planning.


The basic terminology for networks includes:A.Activities, events, manpower, skill levels and slack.B.Activities, documentation, events, manpower and skill levels.C.Slack, activities, events, and time estimates.D.Time estimates, slack, sponsorship involvement, and activities.E.Time estimates, slack time, report writing, life cycle phases, and crashing times.

Which of the following constitute Juran's "quality trilogy":A . planning, inspection, control.B . planning, improvement, control.C . planning, organization, control.D . product, price, customer.E . design, build, deliver.

113 The basic terminology for networks includes:A. Activities, events, manpower, skill levels and slack.B. Activities, documentation, events, manpower and skill levels.C. Slack, activities, events, and time estimates.D. Time estimates, slack, sponsorship involvement, and activities.E. Time estimates, slack time, report writing, life cycle phases, and crashing times

123 Which of the following constitute Juran's "quality trilogy":A. planning, inspection, control.B. planning, improvement, control.C. planning, organization, control.D. product, price, customer.E. design, build, deliver.

5 Which of the following constitute Juran's "quality trilogy":A. planning, inspection, control.B. planning, improvement, control.C. planning, organization, control.D. product, price, customer.E. design, build, deliver.

195 The basic terminology for networks includes:A. Activities, events, manpower, skill levels and slack.B. Activities, documentation, events, manpower and skill levels.C. Slack, activities, events, and time estimates.D. Time estimates, slack, sponsorship involvement, and activities.E. Time estimates, slack time, report writing, life cycle phases, and crashing times

I’m sure all will go well as().A. being plannedB. plannedC. having plannedD. planning

WhichoftheserepresentthemaincomponentsofDatabaseResourceManager?() A.ResourceconsumergroupsB.ResourceplansC.Resource-plangroupsD.Resource-plandirectivesE.Alloftheabove

Whichstatementistrueabout"fullstatebackup"inaCiscoUnifiedComputingSystem?() A.AnXMLfilecontainingalldetailsofthesystem,includingIPaddressandclusterdetailsB.Abinaryfilecontainingonlyserviceprofiles,pools,andotheritemsconfiguredafterinitialconfigurationC.Abinaryfilecontainingalldetailsofthesystem,includingIPaddressandclusterdetailsD.AnXMLfilecontainingonlyserviceprofiles,pools,andotheritemsconfiguredafterinitialconfigurationE.AtextfilewiththeNX-OSrunningconfiguration
