Assignable cause or special variation is:A . is indicated when a point falls outside the control limits.B . is indicated when a point falls outside the specification limits.C . is indicated when a run of seven or more points fall above the center line of a standard control chart.D . is indicated when a run of seven or more points fall below the center line of a standard control chart.E . A, C, and D.

Assignable cause or special variation is:

A . is indicated when a point falls outside the control limits.

B . is indicated when a point falls outside the specification limits.

C . is indicated when a run of seven or more points fall above the center line of a standard control chart.

D . is indicated when a run of seven or more points fall below the center line of a standard control chart.

E . A, C, and D.



[A] variation[B] balance[C] frequency[D] stability

对切换候选小区做PBGT过滤时,参数HO_MARGIN_QUAL(0,n)是对哪类切换触发原因的小区做过滤() A.Cause2B.Cause4C.Cause7D.Cause15

下列关于先张法预应力筋张拉程序的选项中,适用于钢筋的是( )。 A、0→初应力→1.03σcon→0.9σcon→σcon(锚固) B、0→初应力→1.05σcon→0.9σcon→σcon(锚固) C、0→初应力→1.03σcon(持荷2min)→O→σcon(锚固) D、0→初应力→1.05σcon(持荷2min)→O→σcon(锚固

Is Mary______to join in us A.supposedB.exposedC.supportedD.indicated


下列样式代码中,可精确定义元素位置的是()A.special{ position: absolute;}B.special{ position: absolute; top:20px; left:16px;}C.special{ position: relative;; top:20px; left:16px;}D.special{ position: relative;}


