下面哪一个选项最好的描述了特性样本以及变量样本?( )A.特性样本与预防有关,而变更样本与监督有关B.特性样本与一致性有关,而变量样本与一致性的程度有关C.特性样本与具体原因有关,而变量样本与任何原因有关D.两者是同一概念

下面哪一个选项最好的描述了特性样本以及变量样本?( )






Five people are involved on a project that requires significant communication between all project participants. How many lines of communication exist on this project?A 5B 6C 8D 10E 9

When items to be purchased for a project are specified by performance characteristics:A paperwork is greatly reducedB the supplier is held liable for the operation of the itemC the supplier is held liable for the maintenance of the itemD the supplier is held liable for that the item meets the design, dimensions, and tolerance specifications.E B and D only

58 Which of the following communication media is least accepted by organizations?A. tactileB. audioC. extrasensoryD. visualE. olfactory

91 The Project Manager has the responsibility of knowing what kind of message to send because his _____ may avoid communications barriers.A. business interfacesB. outputC. technical experienceD. prioritiesE. training methods

142 Which of the following can be tracked using the WBS?A. timeB. costC. performanceD. scopeE. None of the above

● You have been assigned as a project leader and must first review the statement of work provided by the customer. Which of the following is most often overlooked?A Data item deliverablesB Customer-furnished equipment and facilitiesC Long-lead procurement itemsD Customer-imposed milestonesE Other subcontractor interface requirements

一个承包商签订一份正式的书面合同用已规定的资金额安装一栋办公大楼,当承包商开始现场安装时,他发现工作需要花的时间和村料远远超过标书中包括的时间和材料,他告诉客户要么给他更多资金,要么他就拒绝完成项目,他可以这样做吗?A、 可以,因为合同不能让承包商赚钱,客户应该理解这一点,因此他要么资金,要么取消合同B、 可以,承包商可以宣布合同无效C、 可以,因为承包商不愿履行合同D、 可以,但是客户有权起诉承包商违约

自由时差和总时差的区别在于什么?A、 自由时差是不影响结束日期的总时差,而总时差是自由时差的累计数B、 自由时差值影响随后立即进行的后续活动的最早开始日期C、 自由时差通常指“闲散时间(slack time)”,而总时差通常指“浮动时间(float time)”D、 一个活动的自由时差等于关键的总时差减去活动的总时差