152 Risk Event Status is defined as _____ .A. Risk Probability x Amount At Stake.B. the severity of the consequences.C. how likely the event is to occur with risk.D. (Cost + Benefit + Business Risk) / Insurable Risk.E. B and C

152 Risk Event Status is defined as _____ .

A. Risk Probability x Amount At Stake.

B. the severity of the consequences.

C. how likely the event is to occur with risk.

D. (Cost + Benefit + Business Risk) / Insurable Risk.

E. B and C


WORD2003中,下列能实现“取x的整数部分”功能的函数是( )。A.SIGN(x)B.SUM(x)C.DEFINED(x)D.INT(x)

有如下类声明: class Base{ protected: int amount; public: Base(int n=0):araount(n){ } int getAmount( )const{retum amount;} }; class Derived:public Base{ protected; int value; public: Derived(int m,int n):value(n1),Base(n){ } int getData( )const{return value+amount;} }; 已知x是一个Derived对象,则下列表达式中正确的是A.x.value+x.getAmount( )B.x.getData( )-x.getAmount( )C.x.getData( )-x.amountD.x.value+x.amount

有如下程序:includeusing namespace std;class Amount{int amount;public:Amount(int 有如下程序: #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Amount{ int amount; public: Amount(int n=0):amount(n){ } int getAmount( )const{return amount;} Amountoperator+=(Amount A) { amount+=a.amount; return; } }; int main( ){ Amount x(3),y(7); x+=y: cout<<x.getAmount( )<<endl; return 0; } 已知程序的运行结果是10,则下画线处缺失的表达式是A.*thisB.thisC.amountD.amount

在WORD2003中,下列能实现“取x的整数部分”功能的函数是()。 A.SIGN(x)B.SUM(x)C.DEFINED(x)D.INT(x)

有如下类的声明: class Base{ protected: int amount; public: Base(int n=0):amount(n){} int getAmount()const{return amount;} }; class Derived:public Base{ protected: int value public: Derived(int m,int n):value(m),Base(n){} int getData()const{return value+amount;} };已知x是一个Derived对象,则下列表达式中正确的是A.x. value+x. getAmount()B.x. getData()-x. getAmount()C.x. getData()-x. amountD.x. value+x. amount

有如下程序: include using namespace std; class Amount{ int amount 有如下程序: #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Amount{ int amount; public: Amount(int n=0):amount(n){} int getAmount()const{return amount;} Amountoperator9=(Amount a){ amount+=a. amount; return______; } }; int main(){ Amount x(3),y(7); x+=y, cout<<x. getAmount()<<endl; return 0; }已知程序的运行结果是10,则下划线处缺失的表达式是A.* thisB.thisC.amountD.amount

有如下类声明: class Base{ protected: int amount; public: Base(int n=0):amount(n){} int getAmountconst{retum amount;} }; class Derived:public Base{ protected: int value; public: Derived(int m,int n):value(m),Base(n){} int getDataconst{return value+amount;} }: 已知x是一个Derived对象,则下列表达式中正确的是( )。A.x.value+X.getAmountB.x.getData一x.getAmountC.x.getData一x.amountD.x.value+X.amount

有下列程序:includeUsing namespace std;Class Amount{ int amount;public; Amount(i 有下列程序: #include<iostream> Using namespace std; Class Amount{ int amount; public; Amount(int n=O):amount(n){} Int getAmount()const{return amount;} Amount operator+=(AmountA) {A.*thisB.thisC.amountD.amount

They have the capability to destroy the enemy in a few days.A:possibility B:necessity C:ability D:probability

They have the capability to destroy the enemy in: a few days.A:possibility B:necessity C:ability D:probability