Could you come______ to the development workshop for a second? A.upB.onC.downD.over

Could you come______ to the development workshop for a second?






The identification, definition, and selection of the project objectives as well as the best approach to achieving the project objectives are indentified in the _____ phase of the project but first documented in the project _____.A.Conceptual, charter/baseline.B.Conceptual, master schedule.C.Development, charter/baseline.D.Development, master schedule.E.Development, masterplan.

130 The identification, definition, and selection of the project objectives as well as the best approach to achieving the project objectives are indentified in the _____ phase of the project but first documented in the project _____.A. Conceptual, charter/baseline.B. Conceptual, master schedule.C. Development, charter/baseline.D. Development, master schedule.E. Development, masterplan

12 The identification, definition, and selection of the project objectives as well as the best approach to achieving the project objectives are indentified in the _____ phase of the project but first documented in the project _____.A. Conceptual, charter/baseline.B. Conceptual, master schedule.C. Development, charter/baseline.D. Development, master schedule.E. Development, masterplan

___________A. can B. be C. be able to D. could

( ) it be true that Albert passed the test in geography! A、WouldB、ShouldC、MayD、Could

That young man has made so much noise that he ( ) not have been allowed to attend the concert. A、wouldB、shouldC、mustD、could

听力原文: If you want to invest money at short term, you've got several possibilities: first, a current account. This gives you the possibility of having all your money at your immediate disposal. It also entitles you to a cheque-book. Second, you've got a deposit account, which usually pays about 3. 5% interest, less tax. In that respect, a deposit account's a better investment than a current account. However, though you are entitled to a cheque-book, you can only withdraw up to a certain sum each month. For large amounts, you must give the bank a few months' notice. Finally, you have certificates of deposit. These pay in the order of 6.5% interest.28. How many possibilities are there for a customer to invest money at short term?29.With what kind of deposit can a customer NOT use a cheque-book?30.What is the interest rate for maintaining a deposit account?(28)A.2.B.5.C.4D.3


I__________have been there,but I__________not find the time.A.should;wouldB.should;couldC.might;couldD.could;could
