Tests have proved this medicine quite effective. Starting from next month, we are going to produce it on a large (). A、scaleB、range

Tests have proved this medicine quite effective. Starting from next month, we are going to produce it on a large ().




48 A. much B. still C. hardly D. quite

The man denied_____ into the neighbor's garden and ______his cow. A.going„„stealingB.going„stoleC.went„stealingD.went„stole

Can you tell me the difference between traditional Chinese medicine and_ w__________ medicine?

The book was()interestingthat I read it in two hours. A.veryB.soC.suchD.quite

thanks tobe inferior toout of the questionin one way or the otherto protect … from1.We’ve got to make our decision ________. 2.He raised his arm to _______ his face from the blow. 3.You can’t go to the wedding in that old shirt; it is quite _____. 4.He hasn’t made enough effort, therefore his work _______ mine. 5.The company has had a successful year, ____ mainly to the improvement in export sales.

What a waste! Why do you () the water () all the time ? A、have…flowingB、have…flowC、have…to flowD、have…flowed

We're looking forward to()service to you.A、 being ofB、be ofC、offerD、have

Today we know more about ______. We’re better at preventing illness.A: pollutionB: environmentC: populationD: medicine

有如下订单表:订单(订单号(C,4),客户号(C,4),职员号(C,3),签订日期(D.,金额(N,6,2))统计2012年各月份签订的订单的总金额,正确的SQL语句是( )。A.SELECT MONTH(签订日期)月份,SUM(金额)总金额FROM订单GROUP BY月份WHHRE YEAR(签订日期)=2012B.SELECT MONTH(签订日期)月份,SUM(金额)总金额FROM订单GROUP BY月份HAVING YEAR(签订日期)=2012C.SELECT签订日期.MONTH( )月份,SUM(金额)总金额FROM订单GROUP:BY月份WHERE 签订日期.YEAR( )=2012D.SELECT签订日期.MONTH( )月份,SUM(金额)总金额FROM订单GROUP BY月份HAⅥNG 签订日期.YEAR( )=2012

What can you do to ensure that you will stay healthy?A:be assuredB:insistC:proveD:secure