Then she () at this young doctor so ill informed about Guy Fawkes’ failed scheme to blow King James off his throne with barrels of gunpowder in 1605. A、preachedB、glaredC、scrapedD、mighty

Then she () at this young doctor so ill informed about Guy Fawkes’ failed scheme to blow King James off his throne with barrels of gunpowder in 1605.






听力原文:M: So, Jane, how long have you been an author?W: Well, Tom, I didn't start writing until I was in my thirtieth, and I'm over seventy now. So goodness, I must have been writing for about forty years.How long has the woman been an author?A.About 30 years.B.About 40 years.C.About 60 years.D.About 70 years.

Science is still ______ of the causes of many kinds of cancer.A.ignorantB.unconsciousC.consciousD.informed



The movie ______ me of what I had seen in China.A: remindedB: consistedC: warnedD: informed

下列不是变异的副房室束的是 A、His束B、James旁路束C、Kent束D、Mahaim纤维E、Brechenmacher房-束旁道

Which of the following shows the correct sentence stress in normal casesA.His 'brother is my 'best Mend.B.They 'help one 'another in their work.C.They have 'been in the 'countryside recently.D.She 'thought herself 'better 'than 'anyone else.

Some people would like to do shopping on Sundays since they expect to pick up wonderful articles in the market.A:batteries B:bargainsC: baskets D:barrels

输出信号SO[i]用于控制 的ON/OFF操作。

列出KING(公司总裁)的所有下属之间的层次关系,但不要显示出JONES及其所有下属()。 level,ename,empno,mgr from emp connect by prior empno=mgr and ename<>'JONES' start with ename ='KING'; level,ename,empno,mgr from emp connect by prior empno=mgr and ename='JONES' start with ename ='KING'; level,ename,empno,mgr from emp connect by prior empno=mgr and ename<>'JONES' start with ename <>'KING'; level,ename,empno,mgr from emp connect by prior empno=mgr and e