以下关于“ENGINE CONTROL”指示的说法错误的是().A、当“ENGINE CONTROL”灯亮时,飞机不能派遣放行B、只有当飞机在地面时,灯才会亮C、只要EEC发现一个非派遣性故障,灯就亮D、N2转速必须大于50%,灯才会亮

以下关于“ENGINE CONTROL”指示的说法错误的是().

  • A、当“ENGINE CONTROL”灯亮时,飞机不能派遣放行
  • B、只有当飞机在地面时,灯才会亮
  • C、只要EEC发现一个非派遣性故障,灯就亮
  • D、N2转速必须大于50%,灯才会亮


A thrust bearing is used with a propulsion diesel engine to ____.A.control axial movement of the crankshaftB.transmit engine thrust to the propeller shaftC.absorb vibrations in the propeller shaftingD.prevent propeller thrust from being transmitted to the hull

The additional mark____in the Classification Certificate for Machinery means propulsion apparatus is remotely controlled on the navigating bridge control station, and engine assembly control station is watched by duty personnel.A.BRCB.MCCC.AUT-0D.AUT-1

关于ADSL,以下哪种说法是错误的( )

What is the interface connecting the routing engine to the packet forwarding engine called?() A.Loopback 0B.managementC.internal(fxp1)D.control interface

关于癔症,以下说法错误的是( )

Which switching engine enables the access control list lookup to be committed to hardware? () A.IETFB.PFCC.ASICD.TCAM

以下关于寻呼指示因子的说法错误的是() A.IMSIB.TMSIC.LAID.RAI





Which switching engine enables the access control list lookup to be committed to hardware? ()A、IETFB、PFCC、ASICD、TCAM

What is the interface connecting the routing engine to the packet forwarding engine called?()A、Loopback 0B、managementC、internal(fxp1)D、control interface


单选题If the main engine of an unattended engine room shuts down automatically, it will be indicated by an alarm ().Aat each control stationBin the chief engineer’s quartersCin the captains quartersDAll of the above are correct

单选题With UMS, when the engine room is unwatched () will control the main engine.Athe bridge officer on watchBthe chief engineerCthe duty engineerDthe duty motorman

单选题Control of the main propulsion diesel engines can be shifted from the engine room to the wheelhouse from the ().Awheelhouse control stationBengine room control stationCcaptains officeDchief engineers office

单选题In order to maintain a constant outlet water temperature of 80-85℃ from the engine, a three-way valve is installed()Aat the jacket cooler outlet to control the flux through the engineBat the jacket cooler outlet to control the flux through the coolerCat the engine outlet to control the flux through the engineDat the engine inlet to control the flux through the engine

单选题Diesel engine control can be obtained by the bridge ().Aat any timeBonly after the engine room control station is switched to “bridge control”Cwhenever the secondary station is switched to bridge controlDwith the approval of the chief engineer only

单选题In a diesel engine, blow-by is generally the result of worn()Avalve guidesBoil control ringsCvalve seatsDcompression rings

单选题In order to release CO2 to the machinery spaces from a fixed fire extinguishing system, you must().Aactuate an alarm and open the engine room control valveBactuate an alarm and open the engine room CO2 releasing valveCopen the engine room control valve and shut off engine room ventilation fansDopen the engine room control valve and then the CO2 releasing valve

单选题Main diesel engine control can be obtained by the bridge ()Aat any timeBonly after the engine room control station is switched to ‘bridge control’Cwhenever the secondary station is switched to ‘bridge control’Dwhenever the engine side control station is switched to ‘bridge control’

单选题The additional mark ()in the Classification Certificate for Machinery means propulsion apparatus is remotely controlled on the navigating bridge control station, and engine assembly control station is watched by duty personnel.ABRCBMCCCAUT-0DAUT-1

单选题The additional mark () in the Classification Certificate for Machinery means propulsion apparatus is remotely controlled on the navigating bridge control station, and engine assembly control station is unmanned periodically.ABRCBMCCCAUT-0DAUT-1

单选题Fuel injection uses the jet pump system and a Woodward type hydraulic () is used to control engine speed.AcontrollerBgovernorCinstrumentDapparatus


单选题The hydraulic () is used to control engine speed.AmotorBpumpCgovernorDcapstan