单选题What is your eldest sister like?()AShe is happyBShe is illCShe is tallDShe is at home

What is your eldest sister like?()

She is happy


She is ill


She is tall


She is at home


解析: 暂无解析


What is Scarlett and Melanie' relation?() A.sister-in-lawB.cousinC.friendsD.sister

—What does your sister like doing in her spare time?—She watching TV.A.likes B.liked C.has liked D.had liked

—______________________________?—It rains for most of the year and it ‟s cool. A. What ‟s the weather todayB. What day is it todayC. Where is your hometownD. What ‟s the weather like in your hometown

A: What does your English teacher look like? B:(). A、She likes singingB、She's tall and has long, wavy hairC、She looks sad

– May I suggest the sales start on or about October 1st? – () A、What do you mean by that?B、I like sales people in your department.C、That’s a great idea!

— () — We would like to get in with the fall publication, if possible. A.How much do you plan to spend on advertisement?B.Which edition would you like your advertisement to appear in?C.What do you want to say about your products in the advertisement?

Part A Directions:On your way from Beijing to Paris, you lost you luggage carried by the airline. Write a complaint letter to the service center of the Airline. In your letter, you should tell them1) what happened to your luggage,2) what your luggage is like,3) what compensation you expect.You should write about 100 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name. Use “Li Ming” instead. You do not need to write the address. (10 points)

Roger: What does your sister-in-law do?Cindy: ______

Can you________(带走)those notebooks to your sister?

—________is your sister?—Sorry,l don-t know.

一What does your English teacher look like?一__________A. She likes singing.B. She looks sad.C. She likes to stay with us.D. She looks much like her mother

- What’s the purpose of your visit today -() A、Uh, I’m not sure.B、I’m intending to ask for your advice on brand design.C、Yes, I’d like to talk with you.

— Good morning, Grand Hotel.()—Hello, I’d like to book a room for two nights. A、What can I do for you?B、Just a minute, please.C、What’s the matter?D、At your service.

一What's the weather like in your city?一Yes,the sun is shining.A. RightB. Wrong

We would like to know your earliest date of delivery and on what __________ you can give us a discount.A、termB、connectionC、deliveryD、selection

Will you tell me something about your sister Kitty? ( ) A.Well,I know.B.Sure, what do you want to know?C.Exactly.D.That’s her secret.

– What’s your plan for summer holiday? -- _____________.A、No plan.B、I like traveling.C、I’m going to travel around China.D、I’d like to travel.

A: What is your boyfriend like? B: He is tall and handsome.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

--Good morning, sirs. What can I do for you? --We are the (). We would like to see your captain. A、PSC inspectorsB、chief officerC、second officerD、third officer

What's the weather like in your hometown? ()A、It‘s a nice place.B、I like the food there.C、He asks me whether I like the weather.D、It‘s cold in winter and hot ins ummer.

— Would you like to see the menu? —()A、No, thanks. I already know what to orderB、Your menu is very clearC、I hear the food here is tastyD、The setting is very comfortable

Were both your () cars ticketed on the same day?A、sister-in-law’sB、sisters’-in-lawC、sisters-in-law’sD、sister’s-in-law

选择适当的用语补充对话()。 ——_________________ ——I suffer from aheadacke.A、Where are the people?B、What would you like?C、What is your trouble?D、What day is it today?

单选题What's the weather like in your hometown? ()AIt‘s a nice place.BI like the food there.CHe asks me whether I like the weather.DIt‘s cold in winter and hot ins ummer.

单选题Your sister doesn't study as ______ as you do.AhardBhardlyCharderDhardest

单选题Bill: What's the time?  Blanche: 8 o'clock, so we'd better get a move on if we're going to meet your sister at the airport.  Bill: That's alright. Her flight doesn't arrive until 8:30.  Blanche: Yeah, but it'll take us an hour to get there—you know what the traffic is like.  Bill: OK. ______.  Blanche: What's wrong with those shorts?  Bill: I don't like driving in shorts. I'm going to put some jeans on.AI'll just go and get changed.BI'll wash my hands.CPlease wait me a moment.DI'll be back soon.

单选题— What kind of music do you like?  — Well, I like different kinds.  — ______.  — Er, I especially like punk rock.AI beg your pardon?BAre you serious?CAny in particular?DWhy do you think so?

单选题What is your eldest sister like?()AShe is happyBShe is illCShe is tallDShe is at home