便携式电子设备(Portable Electronic Devices,简称PED):泛指可随身携带的,以电力为能源并能够手持的电子设备。例如:笔记本电脑、和电子游戏机()等。A、平板电脑B、电子书C、手机D、视频播放器
便携式电子设备(Portable Electronic Devices,简称PED):泛指可随身携带的,以电力为能源并能够手持的电子设备。例如:笔记本电脑、和电子游戏机()等。
- A、平板电脑
- B、电子书
- C、手机
- D、视频播放器
() that store digital certificates are particularyly handy when you shop at a site that. A、None of the aboveB、Electronic checksC、Electronic walletsD、Electronic Cash
狭义的电子商务的英文表达是:()A.Electronic GovernmentB.Electronic BusinessC. Electronic BankingD.Electronic Commerce
中文“电子商务”一词源于英文的“(25)”。A.Electronic ConsumerB.Electronic CommerceC.Electronic ChangeD.Electronic Communication
发射型便携式电子设备(Transmitting Portable Electronic Devices,简称T-PED):能够主动发射无线电信号的PED。包括但不限于:()或其他无线通讯的PED。A、MP3B、无线射频通讯网络C、开启蜂窝通讯技术D、平板电脑
单选题The portable radio apparatus means().Athe radio apparatus fitted on the portsideBthe radio with a portable equipmentCthe radio equipment which is easily movableDthe portable radio with some apparatus
单选题If a small fire initially breaks out in the engine room bilges, in which of the following sequences should the fire extinguishing agents or systems be used?()AFixed CO2,semi-portable CO2, then hand portable CO2BSemi-portable CO2, fixedCO2, then hand portable CO2CHand portable, semi-portable CO2, then as a last resort the fixed CO2 systemDHand portable, fixed CO2, then as a last resort the semi-portable CO2
问答题便携式文档格式(Portable Document Format简称为PDF)的文件主要特征是什么?