单选题DSC distress relays can be transmitted by either()or().Aa coast station/a ship stationBan EPIRB/a SARTCARQ/FECDa back-up satellite/a land SAR unit

DSC distress relays can be transmitted by either()or().

a coast station/a ship station






a back-up satellite/a land SAR unit


解析: 暂无解析


DSC遇险呼叫时,它的格式符£¯类别是()。 A、Distress/distressB、allship/DistressC、Distress/ALL shipD、All ship/All ship

Which frequencies and modes are allocated for distress alerting in GMDSS ________.A.406 MHz via EPIRBB.1626.5-1645.5 via INMARSATC.Channel 70 DSC plus six(6)MF/HF DSC frequenciesD.All of the above




单选题The distress message of a ship should include considerable information which might facilitate the rescue. This information should().AALWAYS be included in the initial distress messageBbe sent to a Coast Guard station FIRSTCbe transmitted as a series of short messages,if time allowsDinclude the vessel's draft

单选题If no distress acknowledgement is received()a DSC distress call transmission, then the ship in distress may repeat the DSC distress call attempt after a delay of between 3.5 and 4.5 minutes from the beginning of the initial call.Arelevant toBrelate toCin response toDin relation to

单选题What is the action that a GMDSS Radio Operator should take when a DSC distress alert is received? ()ANo action is necessary,as the DSC control unit will automatically switch to the NBDP follow-on communications frequencyBThe operator should immediately set continuous watch on the radiotelephone frequency that is associated with the frequency band on which the distress alert was receivedCThe Operator should immediately set continuous watch on VHF channel 70DThe Operator should immediately set continuous watch on the NBDP frequency that is associated with the frequency band on which the distress alert was received

单选题DSC distress acknowledgements are normally transmitted by()in respond to a receiver DSC distress call.AShip stationsBCoast stationsCNCSsDNCC

单选题If a ship station relays a DSC distress call to an appropriate coast station, it means that().Athe ship has received the DSC distress call on a HF frequencyBthe coast station concerned has not acknowledged it within 5 minutesCthe ship will take command of search and rescue in 5 minutesDA and B

单选题If a DSC distress relay is transmitted from coast station , it will().Aindicate the ship in distress that the alert has been receivedBalert ships in the area of a distress incident that a distress has occurredCinform other coast station of distress incidentDrepeat the distress alert in 5 minutes

单选题If a GMDSS radio operator initiates a DSC distress transmission but does not insert a message,what happens? ()AThe transmission is aborted and an alarm sounds to indicate this data must be provided by the operatorBThe transmission is not initiated and ERROR is indicated on the display readoutCThe transmission will be made with default information provided automaticallyDThe receiving station will poll the DSC unit of the vessel in distress to download the necessary information

单选题What is the basic concept of GMDSS? ()ASearch and rescue authorities ashore can be alerted to a distress situationBShipping in the immediate vicinity of a ship in distress will be rapidly alertedCShoreside authorities and vessels can assist in a coordinated SAR operation with minimum delayDAll of the above

单选题For ship-to-shore distress alerts, you can use().AINMARSAT, EPIRB and DSCBNAVTEX, NBDP and R/TCINMARSAT, VHF and SARTDEPIRB, DSC and radar

单选题()all ships in a large sea area being alerted, an “area call” will normally be transmitted so that only those ships in the vicinity of the distress incident are alerted.AAvoidingBTo be avoidedCAvoidedDTo avoid

单选题In the GMDSS, distress alerting can be transmitted in()directions.A1B2C3D4

单选题()are used for distress alerting as a rule.ASES/DSC/EPIRBBSART/radiotelephoneCCOSPAS-SARSATDboth B and C

单选题Which of the following statements represents the main difference between a relay and a contactor?()AContactors control current and relays control voltageBA relay is series connected and a contactor is parallel connectedCContactors can handle heavier loads than relaysDContactors are made from silver and relays are made from copper

单选题The frequency()the safety message will be transmitted shall be included in DSC safety call.AwhichBon whichCat whichDin which

单选题The control of distress traffic is the responsibility of().Athe ownersBthe charterersCthe shipperDthe vessel in distress or of the station that relays the distress message

单选题The distress message of a ship should include considerable information which might facilitate the rescue. This information should().AALWAYS be included in the initial distress messageBbe sent to a MSA station FIRSTCbe transmitted as a series of short messages,if time allowsDinclude the vessel's draft

单选题When sending a DSC call,the vessel’s().Aposition will automatically be sentBposition will only be sent if the vessel is making a distress callCMMSI will indicate its ocean regionDNone of the above

单选题Ship-to-ship distress alerting should be conducted by().AInmarsat SESBVHF /DSC or MF/DSCCSART and VHF/DSCDSatellite EPIRB and VHF /DSC

单选题Which of the following statements about transmitting distress messages by radiotelephone is INCORRECT?()AIf no answer is received on the designated distress frequencies,repeat the distress call on any frequency availableBChannel 16 (156.8) may be used for distress messagesCIt is advisable to follow a distress message on 2182 kHz by two dashes of 10 to 15 seconds durationDDistress messages should first be transmitted on 2182 kHz

单选题Which channel and mode should be used when initiating a distress alert transmission().AChannel 6 DSCBChannel 6 RadiotelephonyCChannel 13 Radiotelephony and channel 16 DSCDChannel 70 DSC

单选题The complying vessels can transmit ship-to-shore distress alerts by at least().AOne means, whether satellite or terrestrial techniquesBTwo means, whether satellite or terrestrial techniquesCTwo separate and independent means, each using different radio communication servicesDTwo means, such as MF DSC and HF DSC

单选题What does the DSC control unit do if the GMDSS radio operator fails to insert updated information when initiating a DSC distress alert?()AIt will abort the transmission and set off an audible alarm that must be manually resetBIt will initiate the DSC distress alert but,as no information will be transmitted,rescue personnel will not be able to identify the vessel,its position or its situationCIt will initiate the DSC distress alert and default information will automatically be transmittedDIt will initiate the DSC distress alert,but any station receiving it will have to establish contact with the distressed vessel to determine its identity,position and situation