Economic surplus 经济剩余
Economic surplus 经济剩余
若输入60和13,以下程序的输出结果为 ( ) # define SURPLUS (a,b)((a)%(b)); main ( ) { int a,b; scanf("%d,%d",a,b); printf("\n",SURPlUS(a,b)); }A.60B.13C.73D.8
若输入60和13,以下程序的输出结果是 ( ) # define SURPLUS(a,b)((a)%(b)) main( ) { int a,b; scanf("%d,%d",a,b); printf("%d\n",SURPLUS(a,b)); }A.60B.13C.73D.8
若输入60和13,以下程序运行后的输出结果是()。 #include #define SURPLUS(x,y) ((x)%(y)) main( ) { int x,y; scanf(“%d,%d”,x,y); printf(“%d”,SURPLUS(x,y)); }
Under Margaret Thatcher Britain experienced()A、economic recessionB、economic expansionC、economic declineD、economic depression
所谓消费者剩余(Consumer’s Surplus),就是指消费者为消费某种商品愿意付出的价格与其在购买时()之间的差额。A、实际支出的价格B、没有支出的价格C、实际获得的效用D、没有获得的效用
填空题若输入60和13,以下程序运行后的输出结果是()。 #include #define SURPLUS(x,y) ((x)%(y)) main( ) { int x,y; scanf(“%d,%d”,x,y); printf(“%d”,SURPLUS(x,y)); }
单选题This was but an additional testimony of the superiority of the socialist economic system over the capitalist economic system.AproofBwitnessCevidenceDvalidity