名词解释题Exogenous cases HE

Exogenous cases HE


解析: 暂无解析



I() packing in wooden cases. A、thinkB、preferC、get

In extreme cases, insufficient liquidity can lead to the ______ of a bank.A.inefficiencyB.inabilityC.solvencyD.insolvency

Not only _______ a promise, but he also kept it.A、did he madeB、he madeC、did he makeD、he makes

According to the passage, "special cases" refers to cases where ______.A) students attend a school only part -timeB) students never attended a school they listed on their applicationC) students purchase false degrees from commercial firmsD) students attended a famous school

In most cases politicians are _____ as they seldom tell the truth.[A] credible[B] credulous[C] incredulous[D] incredible

共用题干Some Sleep Drugs Do More Than Make You SleepThe United States Food and Drug Administration(FDA)has ordered companies to place strong new warnings on thirteen drugs that treat sleep disorders.It also ordered the makers of the sleeping pills to provide information for patients explaining how to safely use the drugs.Last Wednesday,the FDA announced that some of these drugs can have unexpected and dangerouseffects.These include the risk of life-threatening allergic(过敏性的)reactions.They also include rareincidents of strange behavior.These include people cooking food,eating and even driving while asleep.The patients later had no memory of doing these activities while asleep.Last year,a member of the United States Congress said he had a sleep-driving incident.PatrickKennedy , a representative from Rhode Island,crashed his car into a security barrier near the building wherelawmakers meet.The accident happened in the middle of the night and no one was hurt.Mr.Kennedy saidhe had earlier taken a sleep medicine.He said he was also being treated with a stomach sickness drug thatcan cause sleepiness.The FDA did not say in its announcement how many cases of sleep-driving it has documented.However,the New York Times reported last year about people who said they had strange sleep events after taking the drug Ambien.Some reported sleep-driving and sleep-walking.Others said they found evidence after waking in the morning that they had cooked food or eaten in their sleep.But they had no memory of carrying out the activities.An FDA official says that these serious side effects of sleep disorder drugs appear to be rare.But,he also said there are probably more cases than are reported.He said the agency believes the risk of such behaviors could be reduced if people take the drugs as directed and do not drink alcohol while taking the drugs.The FDA has advised drug companies to carry out studies to investigate the problem.What happened to Patrick Kennedy last year?A:He crashed his car into a security barrier.B:He was killed during a car accident.C:His car broke down on the way home.D:He was treated for stomachache.

The method works best cases where total deafness is due to malfunctioning of the ear’s sensory cells.There must be sufficient functioning nerve fibers available to transmit the message to the brain( );there are generally no more than 10 percent remaining in most cases,since they tend to atrophy with disuse.A.fortunatelyB.spontaneouslyC.basicallyD.unfortunately

In a world where it seems we already have too much to do,and too many things to think about,it seems the last thing we need is something new that we have to learn.But use cases do solve a problem with requirements:with__1__declarative requirements it's hard to describe steps and sequences of events.Use cases,stated simply,allow description of sequences of events that,taken together,lead to a system doing something useful.As simple as this sounds,this is important.When confronted only with a pile of requirements,it's often__2__to make sense of what the authors of the requirements really wanted the system to do.In the preceding example,use cases reduce the ambiguity of the requirements by specifying exactly when and under what conditions certain behavior occurs;as such,the sequence of the behaviors can be regarded as a requirement.Use cases are particularly well suited to capturing these kind of requirements.Although this may sound simple,the fact is that__3__requirement capture approaches,with their emphasis on declarative requirements and"shall"statements,completely fail to capture the__4__of the system's behavior.Use cases are a simple yet powerful way to express the behavior of the system in way that all stakeholders can easily understand.But,like anything,use cases come with their own problems,and as useful as they are,they can be__5__.The result is something that is as bad,if not worse,than the original problem.Therein it's important to utilize use cases effectively without creating a greater problem than the one you started with.4、_____A.staticsB.natureC.dynamicsD.originals

In a world where it seems we already have too much to do,and too many things to think about,it seems the last thing we need is something new that we have to learn.But use cases do solve a problem with requirements:with( )declarative equirements it's hard to describle steps and sequences of events.Use cases,stated simply,allow description of sequences of events that,taken together,lead to a system doing something useful.As simple as this sounds,this is important.When confronted only with a pile of requiements,it's often( )to make sense of what the authors of the requirements really wanted the system to do.In the preceding example,use cases reduce the ambiguity of the requirements by specifying exactly when and under what conditions certain behavior occurs;as such,the sequence of the behaviors can be regarded as a requirement.Use cases are particularly well suited to capture approaches.Although this may sound simple,the fact is that( )equirement capture approaches,with their emphasis on declarative requirements and"shall"statements,completely fail to capture the( )of the system's behavior.Use cases are a simple yet powerful way to express the behavior of the system in way that all stakeholders can easily understand.But,like anything,use cases come with their own problems,and as useful as they are,they can be(请作答此空).the result is something that is as bad,if not worse,that the original problem.Therein it's important to utilize use cases effectively without creating a greater problem than the one you started with.A.misappliedB.appliedC.usedD.powerful

The outer packing of the black tea in small wooden cases looks ().AattractiveBattractivelyCbeautyDbeautifully

希望从全部200个个案中随机选出20%的个案,应采用的选取方式是()A、If  condition  is   satisfiedB、Random  sample  of  cases-ApproxomatelyC、Use  filter   VariableD、Random  sample  of  cases-Exactly

进行数据排序,应选择的菜单是()A、[Data]-[Go  to  case]B、[Edit ]-[Go  to  case]C、[Data]-[ Sort  Cases ]D、[Edit ]-[Sort  Cases ]

集装箱是由龙门吊装卸。()A、Containers are loaded and discharged by gantry cranes.B、Cases are loaded and discharged by gantry cranes.C、Cases are loaded and discharged by heavy derricks.D、Containers are loaded and discharged by heavy derricks.

Fish, meat, fruit and vegetables are carried in().A、containersB、bagsC、refrigerated holdsD、cases

The Supreme Court has original jurisdiction in()A、all kinds of casesB、two kinds of casesC、cases involving foreign citizensD、cases involving a state

外源性抗原(exogenous antigen)

问答题Practice 10  Every British citizen who is employed (or self-employed) is obliged to pay a weekly contribution to the national insurance and health schemes. An employer also makes a contribution for each of his employees, and the Government too pays a certain amount. This plan was brought into being in 1948. Its aim is to prevent anyone from going without medical services, if he needs them, however poor he may be; to ensure that a person who is out of work shall receive a weekly sum of money to subsist on; and to provide a small pension for those who have reached the age of retirement.  Everyone can register with a doctor of his choice and if he is ill he can consult the doctor without having to pay for the doctor's service, although he has to pay a small charge for medicines. The doctor may, if necessary, send a patient to a specialist, or to hospital~ in both cases treatment will be given without any fees being payable. Those who wish may become private patients, paying for their treatment, but they must still pay their contributions to the national insurance and health schemes.

单选题希望从全部200个个案中随机选出20%的个案,应采用的选取方式是()AIf  condition  is   satisfiedBRandom  sample  of  cases-ApproxomatelyCUse  filter   VariableDRandom  sample  of  cases-Exactly

单选题Ballast water can only be()in cargo tanks in exceptional cases where the particular character of the operation of an oil tanker renders it necessary to carry ballast water in excess of the quantity required,provided that such operation of the oil tanker falls under the category of exceptional cases as established by the Organization.AcarriedBcontainedCfilledDstuffed

单选题During that terrible snowstorm, the police demanded that people stayed off Highway 101 except in cases of emergency.ADuringBdemandedCstayed offDin cases of

单选题_____ today, he would get there by Friday.AWas he leavingBIf he is leavingCWere he to leaveDIf he leaves

单选题—He hasn’t watched the movie So Young, has he?— ______ . He told me it’s very moving and interesting, he’d like to watch it again.AYes, he hasBYes, he hasn’tCNo, he hasn’tDNo, he has

单选题Many types of general cargo are now carried in ().Alarge bagsBbig drumsCcontainersDlarge cases

单选题After inspection of the above shipment, they found 6 cases ().AlossBmissingCmissedDlosing

单选题进行数据排序,应选择的菜单是()A[Data]-[Go  to  case]B[Edit ]-[Go  to  case]C[Data]-[ Sort  Cases ]D[Edit ]-[Sort  Cases ]

单选题Teaching cases mainly included teaching reflection, teaching record, and _____.Ainstructional designBteaching activitiesCteaching progressDteaching cases