名词解释题价格领导者(Price leader)

价格领导者(Price leader)


解析: 暂无解析


CPI (Consumer Price Index 居民消费价格指数)

富有价格弹性(Price elastic)

需求的价格弹性(Price elasticity of demand)

价格领导者(Price leader)

价格系统(Price system)

Price-elasticity of demand 需求的价格弹性

Price flexibility 价格灵活性

Price-inelastic demand 无价格弹性的需求(或无弹性的需求)

Shutdown price(or point,or rule) 停业价格(或停业点、停业原则)

Substitution effect(of a price change)(价格变动的)替代效应

给出当天的股票价格:开盘价:Open_price = 17.1, 收盘价Close_price = 17.4, 请判断当天是阳线还是阴线?

价格;条款;花费(  )。A.price;spend;termsB.price;spend;termsC.price;terms;spendD.terms;price;spend





由于贸易术语可以在一定程度上反映出商品的价格构成,因此也称价格术语(Price Terms)。


在SQLServer数据库(排序规则为默认值)中,有一个产品表products,你想按照价格从小到大的顺序显示所有产品的名称(productname)和价格(price),可以实现该功能的T-SQL语句是()A、SELECT productname,price from products order by price ASCB、SELECT productname,price from products order by price DESCC、SELECT productname,price from products order by priceD、SELECT productname and price from products order by price DESC

现有书目表book,包含字段:价格price(float),类别type(char);现在查询各个类别的平均价格、类别名称,以下语句正确的是()。A、select avg(price),type from book group by typeB、select count(price),type from book group by priceC、select avg(price),type from book group by priceD、select count(price),type from book group by type


名词解释题Substitution effect(of a price change)(价格变动的)替代效应


单选题如果投资者预期两份合约之间的价差将收窄,他将启动价差()Aselling the contract offered at the higher price and selling the contract offered at the lower priceBbuying the contract offered at the higher price and buying the contract offered at the lower priceCbuying the contract offered at the higher price and selling the contract offered at the lower priceD以较高的价格出售合同,以较低的价格购买合同

单选题要查询book表中所有书名中以“计算机”开头的书籍的价格,可用()语句。ASELECT price FROM book WHERE book_name=‘计算机*’BSELECT price FROM book WHERE book_nameLIKE‘计算机*’CSELECT price FROM book WHERE book_name=‘计算机%’DSELECT price FROM book WHERE book_nameLIKE‘计算机%’

名词解释题Shutdown price(or point,or rule) 停业价格(或停业点、停业原则)