单选题A vessel’s quarter is that section which is().AabeamBdead asternCjust aft of the bowDon either side of the stern

A vessel’s quarter is that section which is().



dead astern


just aft of the bow


on either side of the stern


解析: 暂无解析


A Master should file a marine note of protest if ______.A.cargo was received at ship side which was damaged in land transitB.longshore labor went on strike in the port causing undue vessel delayC.portions of his vessel's cargo were illegally impounded in a foreign portD.the vessel encountered heavy weather which might have caused cargo damage

When backing down with sternway,the pivot point of a vessel is ______.A.about one-quarter of the vessel's length from the sternB.at the bowC.about one-third of the vessel's length from the bowD.aft of the propellers

A vessel is overtaking when she can see which light(s) of a vessel ahead?A.Only the stern light of the vesselB.One sidelight and a masthead light of the vesselC.Only a sidelight of the vesselD.The masthead lights of the vessel

A tug would NOT assist a ship to steer if the tug is made up to the large vessel ______.A.by a tow line ahead of the vesselB.forward on either bow of the vesselC.approximately amidships of the vesselD.on the vessel’s quarter

Aboard a vessel, multiplying a load’s weight by the distance of the load’s center of gravity from the mid-ship section results in the load’s ______.A.LCGB.longitudinal momentC.righting momentD.inclining moment

An overtaking situation at night would be one in which one vessel sees which light(s) of a vessel ahead ?______.A.Masthead lights and sidelightsB.One sidelight, the masthead lights and stern-lightC.Both sidelightsD.Stern-light

船舶左舷的艉部叫左艉舷。()A、The forward part of a vessel on the starboard side is called starboard quarter.B、The aft part of a vessel on the starboard side is called port quarter.C、The aft part of a vessel on the port side is called port quarter.D、The forward part of a vessel on the port side is called port quarter.

单选题A Master should file a marine note of protest if().Acargo was received at ship side which was damaged in land transitBlongshore labor went on strike in the port causing undue vessel delayCportions of his vessel's cargo were illegally impounded in a foreign portDthe vessel encountered heavy weather which might have caused cargo damage

单选题A Master would be well advised to file a note of protest if().APortions of his vessel's cargo were illegally impoundedBLongshore labor went on strike in a port causing undue vessel delayCCargo was received at ship side which was damaged in land transitDThe vessel encountered heavy weather which might have caused bottom damage

单选题A vessel’s quarter is that section which is().AabeamBdead asternCjust aft of the bowDon either side of the stern

单选题On open waters,a vessel fishing is in a crossing situation with a vessel sailing located on the fishing vessel’s starboard side. Which vessel is the stand-on vessel?().AThe fishing vessel because it is to port of the sailing vesselBThe fishing vessel because it is fishingCThe sailing vessel because it is to starboard of the fishing vesselDThe sailing vessel because it is sailing

单选题Which will most likely occur when entering shallow water? ()ARudder action will become more effectiveBThe vessel's list will changeCThe vessel's trim will changeDAn increase in speed will occur

单选题Which vessel is the stand-on vessel when two vessels crossing in fog are NOT in sight of one another().AThe vessel which has the other on her own starboard sideBThe vessel which has the other on her own port sideCThe one which hears the other's fog signal firstDNeither vessel is the stand-on vessel

单选题When considering a vessel’s stability,which spaces in a general cargo vessel are the best locations for the carriage of bulk grain? ()ADeep tanksBLower holdsCLower holds at the ends of the vesselD'Tween-decks

单选题When taking a Pilot from a pilot vessel in a seaway,which way should you head your vessel if the ladder is on the leeward side().ABow to the sea and no way on your vesselBSea on the lee quarter with ship moving ahead slowlyCSea on the weather bow and ship moving ahead slowlyDSea on the quarter with sternway on the ship

单选题Which is a part of a vessel’s standing rigging().ASheetBBackstayCTopping liftDDownhaul

单选题A tug would NOT assist a ship to steer if the tug is made up to the large vessel().Aby a tow line ahead of the vesselBforward on either bow of the vesselCapproximately amidships of the vesselDon the vessel's quarter

单选题The system of valves and cargo lines in the bottom piping network of a tank vessel that connects one section of cargo tanks to another section is called a().AcrossoverBrunaroundCcome-alongDmanifold

单选题When backing down with sternway,the pivot point of a vessel is().Aabout one-quarter of the vessel's length from the sternBat the bowCabout one-third of the vessel's length from the bowDaft of the propellers

单选题An overtaking situation at night would be one in which one vessel sees which light(s) of a vessel ahead?()AMasthead lights and sidelightsBOne sidelight,the masthead lights and stern lightCBoth sidelightsDStern light

单选题A vessel is overtaking when she can see which light(s) of a vessel ahead?()AOnly the stern light of the vesselBOne sidelight and a masthead light of the vesselCOnly a sidelight of the vesselDThe masthead lights of the vessel

单选题For an upright vessel, draft is the vertical distance between the keel and the ().AwaterlineBfreeboard deckCPlimsoll markDamidships section

单选题船舶左舷的艉部叫左艉舷。()AThe forward part of a vessel on the starboard side is called starboard quarter.BThe aft part of a vessel on the starboard side is called port quarter.CThe aft part of a vessel on the port side is called port quarter.DThe forward part of a vessel on the port side is called port quarter.

单选题The total magnetic effects which cause deviation of a vessel’s compass can be broken down into a series of components which are referred to as().Adivisional partsBcoefficientsCfractional partsDequations

单选题A vessel casualty must be reported to the MSA in China if it involves().Aloss of lifeBan injury requiring only first aidCproperty damageDloss of equipment which doesn't reduce the vessel's maneuverability

单选题In the Northern Hemisphere,if your vessel is in a hurricane’s navigable semicircle it should be positioned with the wind on the().AStarboard quarter,hold course and make as much speed as possibleBPort bow,hold course and make as much speed as possible until the hurricane has passedCPort quarter,maintain course and make as much speed as possibleDStarboard bow and heave to until the hurricane has passed

单选题The point to which your vessel’s center of gravity (G) may rise and still permit the vessel to have positive stability is called the().Ametacentric pointBmetacenterCmetacentric radiusDtipping center

单选题The vessel’s quarter is located().AabeamBdead asternCjust forward of the beam on either sideDon either side of the stern