供应链管理Supp1y chain management (SCM)

供应链管理Supp1y chain management (SCM)


不属于SCM(Supply Chain Management,供应链管理)的核心内容。A.商流B.物流C.资金流D.信息流

Logistics Management是( ).A.逻辑管理B.后勤管理C.物流管理D.供应链管理

主要采用供应链计划(Supply Chain Planning,SCP)和ERP系统来实施集成化计划和控制的集成化供应链管理阶段是( )。A.职能集成B.内部供应链集成C.外部供应链集成D.集成化供应链动态联盟

供应链管理(Supply Chain Management,SCM)是一种分散的管理思想和方法,它执行供应链中从供应商到最终用户的物流计划和控制等职能。

供应链管理(Supply Chain Management,简称SCM)

供应链(Supply Chain,SC)的思想是在20世纪80年代提出来的。


Logistics Management是( )。A、逻辑管理B、后勤管理C、物流管理D、供应链管理

供应链 supply chain

Supply chain management consists of firms collaborating to leverage strategic positioning and to improve operating efficiency.

What is SCM?()A、Supply Customer ManagementB、Support Customer ManagementC、Supply Chain MaterialsD、Supply Chain Management

英译中:Supply chain management(SCM)

SCM (Supply Chain Management)()A、供应系统管理B、供应链管理C、供应链D、供给链

Supply chain management is the () of these activities through improved supply chain relationship, to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage.A、CollectionB、AssemblyC、IntegrationD、Operation

Which statement is true about a Dynamic Chain Selection Module instance?()A、It is the first module in the partner module chain in Web Services Security Management (WSSM).B、It is the last module in the partner module chain in WSSM.C、It is the first module in the application module chain for partner.D、It is the last module in the application module chain for the partner.

名词解释题供应链管理Supp1y chain management (SCM)

判断题供应链管理(Supply Chain Management,SCM)是一种分散的管理思想和方法,它执行供应链中从供应商到最终用户的物流计划和控制等职能。A对B错

单选题SCM (Supply Chain Management)()A供应系统管理B供应链管理C供应链D供给链

名词解释题供应链管理(Supply Chain Management,简称SCM)

判断题供应链(Supply Chain,SC)的思想是在20世纪80年代提出来的。A对B错

判断题为了支持企业内部集成化供应链管理,主要采用供应链计划(Supply Chain Planning,SCP)和JIT来实施集成化计划和控制。A对B错

单选题Without (), supply chain management doesn’t work.Alogistics information systemBcableCinternetDcomputer

名词解释题英译中:Supply chain management(SCM)

单选题Which statement is true about a Dynamic Chain Selection Module instance?()AIt is the first module in the partner module chain in Web Services Security Management (WSSM).BIt is the last module in the partner module chain in WSSM.CIt is the first module in the application module chain for partner.DIt is the last module in the application module chain for the partner.

名词解释题供应链(Supply Chain)

判断题Supply chain management consists of firms collaborating to leverage strategic positioning and to improve operating efficiency.A对B错

单选题Logistics Management是( )。A逻辑管理B后勤管理C物流管理D供应链管理