


MIB中,()定义了一组合法的宏实例,说明了有关的语法。 A.宏定义B.宏实例C.宏实例的值D.SYNTAX

在Python3下输入100000000L,会得到()A.100000000LB.100000000C.Syntax Error:invalidsyntaxD.1e8

Syntax is defined as the study of the internal structure and the formation of words.()

( ) studies the ways words are combined to form. sentences in a language ./fontA、PhoneticsB、PhonologyC、MorphologyD、Syntax

A locutionary act is the act of conveying literal meaning by means of syntax, lexicon, and phonology.()

若串S=’syntax’,其字串的数目是( )。 A、6B、21C、22D、7


The man page for command shows the following syntax: The man page for command shows the following syntax: command [ -a | -b ] Which of the following statements is true regarding this entry?() A. Either the -a or flag -b may be used, but not both.B. If the flag -a is used then the flag -b also must be used.C. One of the -a or -b flags must be used, but not both at the same time.D. Both the flags may be used together, but neither are mandatory.

From the prospective of traditional approach of syntax, noun has the categories of number,gender and__________.A.aspectB.caseC.tense D.voice

Which one of the following studies the internal structure of words, and the rules by which words are ( ) formed? A.Morphology B.Syntax C.Phonology D.Semantics

Theme and Rheme are terms in ( )of syntax. A.the Traditional Approach B.the Structural Approach C.the Functional Approach D.the Generative Approach



Which of the following has NO effect on controlling the access permissions needed to run the "date" command on the remote machine "Earth" using the following syntax?rsh Earth date()。A、The local file: /etc/.netrcB、The remote file: ~/ .rhostsC、The securetcpip commandD、The remote file: /etc/hosts.equiv

The man page for command shows the following syntax: The man page for command shows the following syntax: command [ -a | -b ] Which of the following statements is true regarding this entry?()A、Either the -a or flag -b may be used, but not both.B、If the flag -a is used then the flag -b also must be used.C、One of the -a or -b flags must be used, but not both at the same time.D、Both the flags may be used together, but neither are mandatory.

Which of the following is the correct syntax to specify the path to a file that generates the strong  type?()A、%@ PreviousPageType VirtualPath ="~/MyPage.aspx"% B、%@ PreviousPageType VirtualPath ="/MyPage.aspx/ ~"% C、%@ PreviousPageType VirtualPath ="~/MyPage.master"% D、%@ PreviousPageType VirtualPath ="~/MyPage"%


判断题从主菜单上选择Project|Syntax Check菜单选项,Delphi将编译从上次编译后有改动的任何单元,并报出遇到的错误。A对B错

单选题Which of the following is most suitable for the cultivation of linguistic competence? _____ASentence makingBCue card dialogueCSimulated dialogueDLearning syntax

单选题Which of the following is not a valid calendaring syntax element?()AFREQBBYHOURCRUNDATEDINTERVALEBYMINUTE

单选题Which Public Key Cryptographic Standards (PKCS) defines the syntax for encrypted messages andmessages with digital signatures?()APKCS #7BPKCS #8CPKCS #10DPKCS #12

单选题What is the correct syntax for applying node-specific parameters to each node in a chassis cluster?()Aset apply-groups node$Bset apply-groups (node)Cset apply-groups $(node)Dset apply-groups (node)all

单选题Syntax relations can be analysed into three kinds, namely, positional relations, relations of substitutability and relations of _____.AcoherenceBunityCco-occurrenceDreference

单选题Which of the following is not a valid calendaring syntax element?()A FREQB BYHOURC RUNDATED INTERVALE BYMINUTE

多选题协议错误情况可以分成哪些:()ATransfer Syntax ErrorBAbstract Syntax ErrorCLogical ErrorDUnknown Error

单选题From the perspective of traditional approach of syntax, noun has the categories of number, gender and________.AaspectBcaseCtenseDvoice

判断题Syntax is different from morphology in that the former not only studies the morphemes, but also the combination of morphemes into words and words into sentences.A对B错