LCT 可以使用任何的Manager ID 。

LCT 可以使用任何的Manager ID 。


“LCT4”指令后,跟的指令可以是()。 A、TQB6B、TQW6C、=Q6.0D、AT4

关于id类型说法错误的是?() A.概念上和Java语言中的类Object相似,可以被转换任何数据类型B.内部处理上,这种类型被定义为指向对象的指针C.id是一个指针,所以在使用id的时候不需要加星号D.使用id的时候需要加星号

ExhibitExamine the data in the EMPLOYEES and DEPARTMENTS tables.You want to retrieve all employees‘ last names, along with their manager‘s last names and their department names. Which query would you use?()A. SELECT last_name, manager_id, department_name FROM employees e FULL OUTER JOIN department d ON (e.department_id = d.department_id);B. SELECT e.last_name, m.last_name, department_name FROM employees e LEFT OUTER JOIN employees m on ( e.managaer_id = m.employee_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN department d ON (e.department_id = d.department_id);C. SELECT e.last_name, m.last_name, department_name FROM employees e RIGT OUTER JOIN employees m on ( e.manager_id = m.employee_id) FULL OUTER JOIN department d ON (e.department_id = d.department_id);D. SELECT e.last_name, m.last_name, department_name FROM employees e LEFT OUTER JOIN employees m on ( e.manager_id = m.employee_id) RIGT OUTER JOIN department d ON (e.department_id = d.department_id);E. SELECT e.last_name, m.last_name, department_name FROM employees e RIGHT OUTER JOIN employees m on ( e.manager_id = m.employee_id) RIGHT OUTER JOIN departments d ON (e.department_id = d.department_id)F. SELECT last_name, manager_id, department_name FROM employees e JOIN department d ON (e.department_id = d.department_id);

Examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES, DEPARTMENTS, and TAX tables.For which situation would you use a nonequijoin query?() A. To find the tax percentage for each of the employees.B. To list the name, job id, and manager name for all the employees.C. To find the name, salary, and department name of employees who are not working with Smith.D. To find the number of employees working for the Administrative department and earning less then 4000.E. To display name, salary, manager ID, and department name of all the employees, even if the employees do not have a department ID assigned.

Examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES, DEPARTMENTS, and TAX tables.EMPLOYEESNOT NULL, PrimaryEMPLOYEE_ID NUMBERKeyVARCHAR2EMP_NAME(30)VARCHAR2JOB_ID(20)SALARY NUMBERReferencesMGR_ID NUMBEREMPLOYEE_IDcolumnDEPARTMENT_ID NUMBER Foreign key toDEPARTMENT_IDcolumn ofthe DEPARTMENTStableDEPARTMENTSNOT NULL,DEPARTMENT_ID NUMBERPrimary KeyVARCHAR2DEPARTMENT_NAME|30|ReferencesMGR_ID columnMGR_ID NUMBERof theEMPLOYEES tableTAXMIN_SALARY NUMBERMAX_SALARY NUMBERTAX_PERCENT NUMBERFor which situation would you use a nonequijoin query?()A. To find the tax percentage for each of the employees.B. To list the name, job id, and manager name for all the employees.C. To find the name, salary, and department name of employees who are not working with Smith.D. To find the number of employees working for the Administrative department and earning less then 4000.E. To display name, salary, manager ID, and department name of all the employees, even if the employees do not have a department ID assigned.

Examine the data of the EMPLOYEES table.EMPLOYEES (EMPLOYEE_ID is the primary key. MGR_ID is the ID of managers and refers to the EMPLOYEE_ID)Which statement lists the ID, name, and salary of the employee, and the ID and name of the employee‘s manager, for all the employees who have a manager and earn more than 4000?()A.B.C.D.E.

Click the Exhibit button to examine the structures of the EMPLOYEES, DEPARTMENTS, and TAX tables.For which situation would you use a nonequijoin query?() find the tax percentage for each of the list the name, job_id, and manager name for all the find the name, salary, and the department name of employees who are not working with find the number of employees working for the Administrative department and earning less than display name, salary, manager ID, and department name of all the employees, even if the employees do not have a department ID assigned

Click the Exhibit button to examine the data of the EMPLOYEES table.Which statement lists the ID, name, and salary of the employee, and the ID and name of the employee‘s manager, for all the employees who have a manager and earn more than 4000?()A.SELECT employee_id Emp_id, emp_name Employee, salary, employee_id Mgr_id, emp_name Manager FROM employees WHERE salary 4000;B.SELECT e.employee_id Emp_id, e.emp_name Employee, e.salary, m.employee_id Mgr_id, m.emp_name Manager FROM employees e JOIN employees m WHERE e.mgr_id = m.mgr_id AND e.salary 4000;C.SELECT e.employee_id Emp_id, e.emp_name Employee, e.salary, m.employee_id Mgr_id, m.emp_name Manager FROM employees e JOIN employees m ON (e.mgr_id = m.employee_id) AND e.salary 4000;D.SELECT e.employee_id Emp_id, e.emp_name Employee, e.salary, m.mgr_id Mgr_id, m.emp_name Manager FROM employees e SELF JOIN employees m WHERE e.mgr_id = m.employee_id AND e.salary 4000;E.SELECT e.employee_id Emp_id, e.emp_name Employee, e.salary, m.mgr_id Mgr_id m.emp_name Manager FROM employees e JOIN employees m USING (e.employee_id = m.employee_id) AND e.salary 4000;

使用()工具,可以实现数据导出。 A.IMPORTB.EXPORTC.DBCAD.Oracle Net Manager



下面关于管理者的描述正确的是()A、网管安装完毕,在manager目录下的cfg文件中会生成manager ID号,初次安装值为8B、NCP上如果没有此managerID的标识,使用该manager ID的网管对该NCP所在网元监控失效C、不同的管理者网管上可以定义不同的网元管理范围,定义不同的管理权限D、一个网络只能有一个主管理者,最多9个副管理者,只有主管理者有写权限



下面关于ZXONM E300 LCT的描述正确的是:()A、如果计算机上安装了ZXONME300EM网管,只需要增加环境变量“ZTELCT”就可以当LCT使用。B、LCT要接入网元必须得到在网ZXONME300EM网管授权,并把授权发布到NCP。C、LCT不需要配置就可以监控5个网元,其中包括本地网元。D、LCT和EM最大的区别就是LCT只能读,不能写。


下面关于管理者的描述正确的是:()A、网管安装完毕,在manager目录下的cfg文件中会生成manager ID号,初次安装值为8B、NCP上如果没有此manager ID的标识,使用该manager ID的网管对该NCP所在网元监控失效C、不同的管理者网管上可以定义不同的网元管理范围,定义不同的管理权限D、一个网络只能有一个主管理者,最多9个副管理者,只有主管理者有写权限

A product manager has prepared catalog data using a spreadsheet and has exported the data to a file in CSV format. What is the correct sequence to execute the Loader Package tools to import the data into the WebSphere Commerce database?()A、Extractor, ID Resolver, XML Transformer, Mass LoaderB、ID Resolver, Text Transformer, Mass LoaderC、Text Transformer, XML Transformer, ID Resolver, Mass LoaderD、XML Transformer, ID Resolver, Mass LoaderE、XML Transformer, Mass Loader, ID Resolver

You created a view called EMP_DEPT_VU that contains three columns from the EMPLOYEES and DEPARTMENTS tables: EMPLOYEE_ID, EMPLOYEE_NAME AND DEPARTMENT_NAME. The DEPARTMENT_ID column of the EMPLOYEES table is the foreign key to the primary key DEPARTMENT_ID column of the DEPARTMENTS table. You want to modify the view by adding a fourth column, MANAGER_ID of NUMBER data type from the EMPLOYEES tables. How can you accomplish this task?()A、ALTER VIEW emp_dept_vu (ADD manager_id NUMBER);B、MODIFY VIEW emp_dept_vu (ADD manager_id NUMBER);C、ALTER VIEW emp_dept_vu AS SELECT employee_id, employee_name, department_name, manager_id FROM employee e, departments d WHERE e.department_id = d.department_id;D、MODIFY VIEW emp_dept_vu AS SELECT employee_id, employee_name, department_name, manager_id FROM employees e, departments d WHERE e.department_id = d.department_id;E、CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW emp_dept_vu AS SELECT employee_id, employee_name, department_name, manager_id FROM employees e, departments d WHERE e.department_id = d.department_id;F、You must remove the existing view first, and then run the CREATE VIEW command with a new column list to modify a view.

单选题A product manager has prepared catalog data using a spreadsheet and has exported the data to a file in CSV format. What is the correct sequence to execute the Loader Package tools to import the data into the WebSphere Commerce database?()AExtractor, ID Resolver, XML Transformer, Mass LoaderBID Resolver, Text Transformer, Mass LoaderCText Transformer, XML Transformer, ID Resolver, Mass LoaderDXML Transformer, ID Resolver, Mass LoaderEXML Transformer, Mass Loader, ID Resolver

单选题Examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES and DEPARTMENTS tables: EMPLOYEES EMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER DEPARTMENT_ID NUMBER MANAGER_ID NUMBER LAST_NAME VARCHAR2(25) DEPARTMENTS DEPARTMENT_ID NUMBER MANAGER_ID NUMBER DEPARTMENT_NAME VARCHAR2(35) LOCATION_ID NUMBER You want to create a report displaying employee last names, department names, and locations. Which query should you use to create an equi-join?()ASELECT last_name, department_name, location_id FROM employees , department ;BSELECT employees.last_name, departments.department_name, departments.location_id FROM employees e, departments D WHERE e.department_id = d.department_id;CSELECT e.last_name, d.department_name, d.location_id FROM employees e, departments D WHERE manager_id = manager_id;DSELECT e.last_name, d.department_name, d.location_id FROM employees e, departments D WHERE e.department_id = d.department_id;


单选题You created a view called EMP_DEPT_VU that contains three columns from the EMPLOYEES and DEPARTMENTS tables: EMPLOYEE_ID, EMPLOYEE_NAME AND DEPARTMENT_NAME. The DEPARTMENT_ID column of the EMPLOYEES table is the foreign key to the primary key DEPARTMENT_ID column of the DEPARTMENTS table. You want to modify the view by adding a fourth column, MANAGER_ID of NUMBER data type from the EMPLOYEES tables. How can you accomplish this task?()AALTER VIEW EMP_dept_vu (ADD manger_id NUMBER);BMODIFY VIEW EMP_dept_vu (ADD manger_id NUMBER);CALTER VIEW emp_dept_vu AS SELECT employee_id, employee_name, department_name, manager_id FROM employee e, departments d WHERE e.department _ id = d.department_id;DMODIFY VIEW emp_dept_vu AS SELECT employee_id, employee_name, department_name, manager_id FROM employees e, departments d WHERE e.department _ id = d.department_id;ECREATE OR REPLACE VIEW emp_dept_vu AS SELECT employee_id, employee_name, department_name, manager_id FROM employees e, departments d WHERE e.department _ id = d.department_id;FYou must remove the existing view first, and then run the CREATE VIEW command with a new column list to modify a view.

单选题使用()工具,可以实现数据导出。AIMPORTBEXPORTCDBCADOracle Net Manager

单选题Examine the data of the EMPLOYEES table. EMPLOYEES (EMPLOYEE_ID is the primary key. MGR_ID is the ID of managers and refers to the EMPLOYEE_ID) EMP_NAME DEPT_ID MGR_ID JOB_ID SALARY EMPLOYEE_ID 101 Smith 20 120 SA_REP 4000 102 Martin 10 105 CLERK 2500 103 Chris 20 120 IT_ADMIN 4200 104 John 30 108 HR_CLERK 2500 105 Diana 30 108 HR_MGR 5000 106 Bryan 40 110 AD_ASST 3000 108 Jennifer 30 110 HR_DIR 6500 110 Bob 40 EX_DIR 8000 120 Ravi 20 110 SA_DIR 6500 Which statement lists the ID, name, and salary of the employee, and the ID and name of the employee's manager, for all the employees who have a manager and earn more than 4000?()ASELECT employee_id Emp_id, emp_name Employee, salary, employee_id Mgr_id, emp_name Manager FROM employees WHERE salary 4000;BSELECT e.employee_id Emp_id, e.emp_name Employee,Csalary,Demployee_id Mgr_id, m.emp_name Manager FROM employees e, employees m WHERE e.mgr_id = m.mgr_id AND e.salary 4000;

单选题Examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES, DEPARTMENTS, and TAX tables. EMPLOYEES NOT NULL, Primary EMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER Key VARCHAR2 EMP_NAME (30) VARCHAR2 JOB_ID (20) SALARY NUMBER References MGR_ID NUMBER EMPLOYEE_ID column DEPARTMENT_ID NUMBER Foreign key to DEPARTMENT_ID column of the DEPARTMENTS table DEPARTMENTS NOT NULL, DEPARTMENT_ID NUMBER Primary Key VARCHAR2 DEPARTMENT_NAME |30| References MGR_ID column MGR_ID NUMBER of the EMPLOYEES table TAX MIN_SALARY NUMBER MAX_SALARY NUMBER TAX_PERCENT NUMBER For which situation would you use a nonequijoin query?()ATo find the tax percentage for each of the employees.BTo list the name, job id, and manager name for all the employees.CTo find the name, salary, and department name of employees who are not working with Smith.DTo find the number of employees working for the Administrative department and earning less then 4000.ETo display name, salary, manager ID, and department name of all the employees, even if the employees do not have a department ID assigned.

单选题Examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES, DEPARTMENTS, and TAX tables. EMPLOYEES NOT NULL, Primary EMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER Key VARCHAR2 EMP_NAME (30) VARCHAR2 JOB_ID (20) SALARY NUMBER References MGR_ID NUMBER EMPLOYEE_ID column DEPARTMENT_ID NUMBER Foreign key to DEPARTMENT_ID column of the DEPARTMENTS table DEPARTMENTS NOT NULL, DEPARTMENT_ID NUMBER Primary Key VARCHAR2 DEPARTMENT_NAME |30| References MGR_ID column MGR_ID NUMBER of the EMPLOYEES table TAX MIN_SALARY NUMBER MAX_SALARY NUMBER TAX_PERCENT NUMBER For which situation would you use a nonequijoin query?()ATo find the tax percentage for each of the employees.BTo list the name, job id, and manager name for all the employees.CTo find the name, salary, and department name of employees who are not working with Smith.DTo find the number of employees working for the Administrative department and earning less then 4000.ETo display name, salary, manager ID, and department name of all the employees, even if the employees do not have a department ID assigned.