


在窗体上画一个名称为Command1的命令按钮,然后编写如下事件过程: Private Sub Command1_Click() Sum=0 For x=1 To 5 Call subl(x, s) Sum=Sum+s Next x Print Sum End Sub Private Sub subl(y, w) w=1 For i=1 To y w=w*i Next i End Sub 程序运行后。单击命令按钮,则窗体上显示的内容是______。A.5B.120C.153D.160

( 25 )要求当鼠标在图片框 P1 中移动时,立即在图片框中显示鼠标的位置坐标。下面能正确实现上述功能的事件过程是A )Private Sub P1_MouseMove ( Button AS Integer,Shift As Integer,X As Single,Y As Single )Print X,YEnd SubB )Private Sub P1_MouseDown ( Button AS Integer,Shift As Integer,X As Single,Y As Single )Picture.Print X,YEnd SubC )Private Sub P1_MouseMove ( Button AS Integer,Shift As Integer,X As Single,Y As Single )P1.Print X,YE n d S u bD )Private Sub Form_MouseMove ( Button AS Integer,Shift As Integer,X As Single,Y As Single )P1.Print X,YEnd Sub

(8)下列这个Sub过程的功能是统计字符串中“a”的个数,请在空白处填上合适的代码,将程序补充完整。Private Sub numCount() Dim num As Integer s$="software And hardware" Num=Len(s$) For i=1 unm b$=。 If b$="a"Then x=x+1 Next i Print"x=";xEnd Sub

(13)单击命令按钮时,下列程度的执行结果是 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a As Integer,b As Integer,c As Integer a=2:b=4:c=6 Call S2(a,b) Print"a=";a;"b=";b;"c=";c; End Sub Private Sub S1(x As Integer,y As Integer) Dim c As Integer x=2*x:y=y+2:e=x+y End Sub Sub S2(x As Integer,By Val y As Integer) Dim e As Integer x=2*x:y=y+2:e=x+y End Sub A.a=4 b=6 c=6 B.a=8 b=6 c=6 a=4 b=6 c=6 a=8 b=6 c=6 C.a=4 b=6 c=6 D.a=8 b=6 c=6 a=8 b=6 c=6 a=4 b=6 c=6

以下过程的定义中,( )是错误的。 A、Public Sub Sum(x ; y)B、Public Sub Sum(ByVal x, ByVal y)C、Public Sub Sum(x As Integer,y As Integer)D、Public Sub Sum(x%, y%)

在窗体中添加一个命令按钮(名为Command1),然后编写如下代码:Public x as integerPrivate Sub Command1_Click( )x=5Call s1Call s2MsgBox xEnd SubPrivate Sub s1( )x=x+10End SubPrivate Sub s2( )Dim x as integerx=x+10End Sub窗体打开运行后,单击命令按钮,则消息框的输出结果是______

在窗体中添加一个名称为Cmd的命令按钮,然后编写如下程序: Public x As integer Private Sub Cmd_Click() x=10 Call add1 Call add2 MsgBox x End Sub Private Sub add1 ( ) x=x+20 End Sub Private Sub add2 ( ) Dim x As integer x=x+40 End Snb 窗体打开运行后,单击命令按钮,则消息框的输出结果为( )。A.10B.60C.30D.70

在窗体中添加一个名称为Command1的命令按钮,然后编写如下程序: Public x As Integer Private Sub Command1_Click() x=10 Call s1 Call s2 MSgBox x End Sub Private Sub s1() x=x+20 End Sub Private Sub s2() Dim x As Integer x=X+20 End Sub 窗体打开运行后,单击命令按钮,则消息框的输出结果为______。A.10B.30C.40D.50

执行下面程序,第一行输出结果是【 】,第二行输出结果是47。Option ExplicitPrivate Sub Form_Click( )Dim A As IntegerA=2Call Sub1 (A) End SubPrivate Sub1 (x As Integer)x=x*2+1If x<10 ThenCall Sub1 (x)End Ifx=x*2+1Print xEnd Sub

假定有如下的Sub过程: Sub S(x As Single,y As Single) t=x x=t/y y=t Mod y End Sub 在窗体上画一个命令按钮,然后编写如下事件过程: Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a As Single Dim b As Single a=5 b=4 S a,b Print a,b End Sub 程序运行后,单击命令按钮,输出结果为 ______ 。A.5 4B.1 1C.1.25 4D.1.25 1

假定有如下的Sub过程: Sub S(x As Single,y As Single) t=x x=t/y y=t Mod y End Sub 在窗体上画一个命令按钮,然后编写如下事件过程: Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a As Single Dim b As Single a=5 b=2 S a,b print a,b End Sub 程序运行后,单击命令按钮,输出结果是( )。A.5 2B.1 1C.1.25 4D.2.5 1

有如下程序: Private Sub Command1_Click() as="A WORKER IS HERE" x = Len(a$) For i=1 To x - 1 b$ =Mid$(a$, i,3) If b$ ="WOR" Then S=S+ 1 Next Print S End Sub 单击命令按钮,程序运行结果为A.1B.2C.3D.5

在窗体中添加一个名称为Commandl的命令按钮,然后编写如下程序:Public X As Integer Private Sub Commandl Click( )x=10 Call slCall s2MsgBox x End Sub Private Sub sl( )x=x+20 End Sub Private Sub s2( )Dim x As Integer x=x+20End Sub窗体打开运行后,单击命令按钮,则消息框的输出结果为( )。A.10B.30C.40D.50

编写如下事件过程: Private sub sub1 (ByVal x1 As String, y1 As String) Dim xt As String Dim i As Integer i = Len(x1) Do While i>= 1 xt = xt + Mid(x1, i, 1) i=i-1 Loop y1 = xt End Sub Private Sub Form. Click() Dim s1 As String, s2 As String s1= "teacher" sub1 s1, s2 Print s2 End Sub 程序运行后,单击窗体,则窗体上显示的内容是A.rehcaetB.tahreeeC.themeeD.eerthea

下面这个Sub过程的功能是统计字符串中“a”的个数,请在空白处填上合适的代码完成程序。Private Sub numCount()Dim hum As Integers$ = "software And hardware"num = Len(s$)For i = 1 To humb$=______If b$ = "a" Then x = x+1Next iPrint "x="; xEnd Sub

有如下自定义过程: Sub test(x As Integer) x =X *2+1 If x<6 Then Call test(x) End If x=x* 2 + 1 Print x; End Sub调用该过程的事件过程如下:Private Sub Command1_Click() test 2End Sub则该段程序的执行结果是______ 。A.12B.23 47C.23D.5 10

在窗体中添加一个名称为Commandl的命令按钮,然后编写如下程序: Public x As Integer Private Sub Commandl_click() x=10 Call s 1 Call s 2 MsgBOx x End Sub Pfivate Sub s1() x=x+20 End Sub Private SubA.10B.30C.40D.50

编写如下事件过程: Option Base 1 Private Sub Form Click() Dim x1()As Integer Dim i As Integer Dim s As Integer ReDim x1(3) For i = 1 To UBound(x1) x1(i)=i + 1 Next i Call sub1(x1) For i = 1 To UBound(x1) s = s + x1(i) Next i Print s End Sub Private Sub sub1(n()As Integer) Dim i As Integer ReDim Preserve n(5) For i = 3 To 5 n(i)=n(i-1)*2 Next i End Sub 程序运行后,单击窗体,则窗体上显示的内容是A.6B.12C.24D.47

在窗体中添加一个名称为Command1的命令按钮,然后编写如下程序: Public x As Integer Private Sub Command1_Click() x=10 Call s1 Call s2 MsgBox x End Sub Private Sub sl() x=x+20 End Sub Private Sub s2() Dim x As Integer x=x+20 End Sub 窗体打开运行后,单击命令按钮,则消息框的输出结果为( )。A.10B.30C.40D.50

有如下程序: Private Sub Command1 Click() Dim a As Single Dim b As Single a=5:b=4 Call S(a,B)End Sub Sub S(x As Single,y As Single) t=x x=t\y y=t Mod y End Sub 在调用运行上述程序后,a和b的值分别为A.0 0B.1 1C.2 2D.1 2

运行下列程序:Private Sub form_Click( )x = 8: y = 2Call fun1((x), y)Print x, yEnd SubPrivate Sub fun1(x, y)s = xx = s / yy = s Mod yEnd Sub单击窗体后,则在窗体上显示的结果是( )。A.4 2B.8 2C.8 0D.2 4

有如下程序: Private Sub Commandl_Click( ) a$="A WORKER IS HERE" x=Len(a$) For i=1,To x-1 b$=Mid$(a$,i,3) If b$="WOR" Then S=S+1 Next Print S End Sub 单击命令按钮,程序运行结果为A.1B.2C.3D.5

以下能够正确计算n!的程序是( )。A.Private Sub Commandl_C1ick()B.hiVate Sub Commandl_C1ick() n=5:x=1 n=5:x=1:i=1 DO DO X=x*1 X=X*1 i=i+1 i=i+1 Loop while i<n Loop While<n Print x Ptinte x End Sub End SubC.Private Sub Commandl_Click ()D.Pdvate Sub Commandl C1ick() n=5:X=1:i=1 n=5=:x=1:i=1 DO DO X=X*1 X=X*1 i=i+1 i=i+1 Loop While i>n Print x Print x End Sub End Sub

有如下程序: Private Sub Command1_Click( ) a$="A WORKER IS OVER THERE" x=Len(a $) For i=1 To x-1 b$=Mid $(a $,i,2) If b $="ER"Then s=s+1 Next i Pdnt s End Sub 程序运行后的输出结果是A.1B.2C.3D.4

有如下Sub过程:Sub ind(a As Integer)Static x As Integerx= x + aPrint x:End Sub以下是调用它的事件过程,程序运行后,单击命令按纽Command1三次,输出结果为【 】。Private Sub Command1_Click()Ind 2End Sub

( 35 )在窗体中添加一个名称为 Command1 的命令按钮,然后编写如下程序:Public x As IntegerPrivate Sub Command1_Click( )x = 10Call s1Call s2MsgBox xEnd SubPrivate Sub s1( )x = x + 20End SubPrivate Sub s2( )Dim x As Integerx = x + 20End Sub窗体打开运行后,单击命令按钮,则消息框的输出结果为A ) 10B ) 30C ) 40D ) 50
