var arr = new Array(new Array(9,0,3,4,5) , ['a' , 'b' , 'c'] , new Array(2,9,0,6)); 则arr[1][3]=()A、cB、6C、4D、undefined
var arr = new Array(new Array(9,0,3,4,5) , ['a' , 'b' , 'c'] , new Array(2,9,0,6)); 则arr[1][3]=()
- A、c
- B、6
- C、4
- D、undefined
在下述Java语言语句中,错误的创建数组的方法是() int Array[];int Array=new int[5]; int Array[]=new int[5];[]int Array={1,2,3,4,5}; int Array[5]={1,2,3,4.5};
下列数组定义及赋值,错误的是( )。 a[]={1,2,3,4,5}; intArray[]; Array=new int[3]; int Array[1]=1; int Array[2]=2; int Array[3]=3; a[][]=new int[2][]; a[0]=new int[3]; a[1]=new int[3];
下列数组array_test中,能在程序运行时动态调整大小的是 array_test[]=new int[10]B.String[] array_testC.ArrayList army_test=new Array List()D.Array array_test=new Array()
下列程序用于打印出ASCⅡ字符,其析构函数内的语句应为【 】。 include inelude 下列程序用于打印出ASCⅡ字符,其析构函数内的语句应为【 】。include<iostream. h>inelude<iomanip, h>template<class T>class Array{T * elems;int size;public:Array(int.s);~Array()T operator[](int)void perator=(T)};template<class T>Array<T>::Array(int s)size=s;elems=new T[size]for(int i=0;i<size;i++)elems[i]=0}template<celass T>Array<T>::~Array(){______template <class T>T Array<T>::operator[](int index){return elems[index];}template<class T>void Array<T>::operator=(T temp){for(int i=0;i<size;i++)elems[i]=temp;}void main(){int i,n=26;Array<int> arr1(n)Array<char> arr2(n)for(i=0;i<n;i++){ -.arr1[i]='a'+i;arr2[i]='a'+i;}cout<<"ASCII 字符"<<endl;for(i=0;i<n;i++)cout<<setw(8)<<arr1[i]<<setw(8)<<arr2[i]<<endl;}
在以下选项中,能IE确声明数组并进行初始化的语句是( )。A.str=new Dimension(1,2,3);B.str=new dimension(1,2,3);C.str:new Array(1,2,3);D.str=new array(1,2,3);
阅读以下说明和C语言函数,将应填入(n)处的字句写在对应栏内。【说明】输入数组,最大的与第一个元素交换,最小的与最后一个元素交换,输出数组。【函数】main ( ){int number[10];input (number);max min (number);output (number);}input (number)int number[10];{int i;for ( i=0;i<9;i++ )scanf ( "%d,",number[i] );scanf ( "%d",number[9] );}max_min ( array )int array[10];{int *max,*min,k,1;int *p,*arr_end;arr end=(1);max=min=array;for ( p=(2);p<arr_end;p++ )if((3)) max=p;else if ( *p<*min ) min=p;(4);l=*min;(5);array[0]=1;1=*p;*p=array[9];array[9]=k;k=*p;return;}output ( array )int array[10];{ int *p;for ( p=array;p<array+9;p++ )printf ( "%d,",*p );printf ( "%d\n",array[9] );}
var arr = new Array(new Array(9,0,3,4,5) , ['a' , 'b' , 'c'] , new Array(2,9,0,6));则arr[1][3]=( ) A.cB.6C.4D.undefined
定义JavaScript数组的正确方法是?()A、var txt = new Array="tim","kim","jim"B、var txt = new Array(1:"tim",2:"kim",3:"jim")C、var txt = new Array("tim","kim","jim")D、var txt = new Array:1=("tim")2=("kim")3=("jim")
You need to create a JSP that generates some JavaScript code to populate an array of strings used on theclient-side. Which JSP code snippet will create this array?()A、MY_ARRAY = new Array();% for ( int i = 0; i serverArray.length; i++ ) { MY_ARRAY[%= i %] = ’%= serverArray[i] %’;} %B、MY_ARRAY = new Array();. % for ( int i = 0; i serverArray.length; i++ ) { . MY_ARRAY[${i}] = ’${serverArray[i]}’;. } %C、MY_ARRAY = new Array();. % for ( int i = 0; i serverArray.length; i++ ) { % . MY_ARRAY[%= i %] = ’%= serverArray[i] %’;. % } %D、MY_ARRAY = new Array();% for ( int i = 0; i serverArray.length; i++ ) { % . MY_ARRAY[${i}] = ’${serverArray[i]}’;. % } %
下列声明数组的语句中,正确的选项是()。A、var arry=new Array()B、var arry=new Array(3)C、var arry[]=new Array(3)(4)D、都不对
以下生成对象的方法中,正确的是()A、var z = new Boolean(a);B、var str = "JavaScript";C、fruit=new Array(3);D、today1=new Date(2008,10,1);E、today=new Date("October 1,2008");
What is the correct order to create an object in a new IBM System Storage DS8000 to get a LUN provided to a host()A、rank, array, extent pool, volumes, volume group, host connectionsB、rank, array, extent pool, volume group, volumes, host connectionsC、array, rank, extent pool, volume group, volumes, host connectionsD、array, extent pool, volumes, rank, volume group, host connections
You add an Online Responder to an Online Responder Array. You need to ensure that the new Online Responder resolves synchronization conflicts for all members of the Array. What should you do()A、From Network Load Balancing Manager, set the priority ID of the new Online Responder to 1.B、From Network Load Balancing Manager, set the priority ID of the new Online Responder to 32.C、From the Online Responder Management Console, select the new Online Responder, and then select Set as Array Controller.D、From the Online Responder Management Console, select the new Online Responder, and then select Synchronize Members with Array Controller.
单选题You need to improve the speed of backups on SQL1. Management has approved the purchase of additional hard disks for this server. What should you do?()AConfigure the hard disks as a RAID-0 array, and store the backups on this new array.BConfigure the hard disks as a RAID-5 array, and store the backups on this new array.CConfigure the hard disks as a RAID-10 array, and store the backups on this new array.DConfigure the hard disks as a spanned volume, and store the backups on this new volume.EUse the hard disks to extend the volume that currently holds SQL Server backups.
单选题对数组的定义及初始化不正确的方法是:()。Aint array[];Bint array[8];Cint[]array=new int[8];Dint array[]=new int[8];
单选题var arr = new Array(new Array(9,0,3,4,5) , ['a' , 'b' , 'c'] , new Array(2,9,0,6)); 则arr[1][3]=()AcB6C4Dundefined
多选题下列声明数组的语句中,正确的选项是()。Avar arry=new Array()Bvar arry=new Array(3)Cvar arry[]=new Array(3)(4)D都不对
单选题有如下代码: var arr = new Array(9); arr[0]=1; arr[2]=2; 该数组的length属性值为()A2B10C8D9