


下列选项中不是按照应用角度对无线网络分类的是()。 A.Wi-FiB.蓝牙C.VPND.HomeRF

听力原文:A currency swap is a second technique for hedging long-term transaction exposure to exchange rate fluctuations.(10)A.A currency swap is a better way to convert the long-term transaction into a spot transaction.B.A currency swap makes long-term transaction exposure to exchange rate fluctuations.C.A currency swap is a better way to reduce the risks of the long-term transactions owing to the exchange rate fluctuations.D.A currency swap can in no way reduce the risk of exchange rate fluctuations.


定义int* swap()指的是______。A.—个返回整型值的函数swap()B.—个返回指向整型值指针的函数swap()C.—个指向函数swap()的指针,函数返回一个整型值D.以上说法均错


linux常见的swap配置方式包括() A.swap内存B.swap文件C.swap磁盘D.swap分区


为达到把a、b中的值交换后输出的目的,某人编程如下: Private Sub Command1_Click a%=10:b%=20 Call swap(a,B.:Print a,b End Sub Private Sub swap(ByVal aAs Integer,ByVal bAs Integer) c=a:a=b:b=c End Sub 在运行时发现输出结果错了,需要修改。下面列出的错误原因和修改方案中正确的是。 A.调用swap过程的语句错误,应改为:Call swap a,b B.输出语句错误,应改为:Print “a”,“b” C.过程的形式参数有错,应改为:swap(ByRef a As Integer,ByRef b As Integer) D.swap中3条赋值语句的顺序是错误的,应改为a=b:b=c:c=a

以下4个程序中,不能实现两个实参值进行交换的是 ( )。A.void swap (float *p, float *q) { float *t ,a; t = a; t = p; *p = *q; *q = *t; } void main () { float x = 8.0;y = 9.0; swap (x, y); cout<<x<<", "<<y<<B.void swap (float *p, float *q) { float a; a = *p; *p = *q; *q = a; } void main() { float x = 8.0;y = 9.0; swap (x, y); cout<<x<<", "<<y<<end1;C.void swap (float *p, float *q) { float x; x = *p; *p = *q; *q = x; } void main() { float a,b.; *a = 8.0;*b = 9.0; swap (a, b) ;D.void swap (float p, float q) { float a; a = p; p = q; q = a; } void main() { float a = 8.0,b = 9.0; swap (a,b); cout<<x<<", "<<y<<

When troubleshooting an 802.11g network. Which of the following can interfere with the network?() A. 2.4 GHz cordless phoneB. 900 MHz cordless phoneC. Bluetooth headsetD. Bluetooth printer

下面程序和运行运行结果是【 】。void swap(int * a,int * b){ int * t;t=a; a=b; b=t;}main( ){ intx=3,y=5,* p=&x,* q=&y;swap(p,q);prinff("%d %d\n", *p, *q);}






When troubleshooting an 802.11g network. Which of the following can interfere with the network?()A、2.4 GHz cordless phoneB、900 MHz cordless phoneC、Bluetooth headsetD、Bluetooth printer

You are a desktop administrator for your company. A company user reports that he is unable to use his Bluetooth-enabled mobile phone with his Bluetooth-enabled Windows XP Professional computer. He is trying to play audio from the phone through the speakers on his computer. You verify that other Bluetooth devices work properly with the user’s computer. You test the speakers to make sure they are in working order. You also verify that the mobile phone can send output to a computer. You then discover that the phone cannot detect the computer.You need to ensure that the user can use the phone with his computer. What should you do?()A、Place the phone in Bluetooth discovery mode.B、Place the user’s computer in Bluetooth discovery mode.C、Add the phone and the computer to the same Bluetooth Personal Area Network (PAN).D、Install mobile phone synchronization software on the user’s computer.


单选题Bluetooth is a ()technology.ASatelliteBMicrowaveCLight waveDRadio Frequency



单选题按照期限分,掉期外汇交易不包括()。A纯粹掉期(Pure Swap)B一日掉期(One-day Swap)C即期对远期掉期(Spot-Forward Swap)D远期对远期掉期(Forward-Forward Swap)

单选题How can swap file performance in Windows 2000 Professional be increased?()Alimit the Swap File to one physical diskBdistribute the Swap File among multiple physical disksCdistribute the Swap File over multiple partitions on the same physical diskDlimit the size of the Swap File to the amount of RAM + 2 MB

单选题已知主函数中通过如下语句序列实现对函数模板swap的调用:int a[10],b[10];swap(a,b,10);下列对函数模板swap的声明中,会导致上述语句序列发生编译错误的是(  )。Atemplatetypename Tvoid swap(T a[],T b[],int size);Btemplatetypename Tvoid swap(int size,T a[],T b[]);Ctemplatetypename T1,typename T2void swap(T1 a[],T2 b[],int size);Dtemplateclass T1,class T2void swap(T1 all,T2 b[],int size);


在创建Linux分区时,一定要创建哪两个两个分区? (1.0分) [单选.] A. SWAP\根分区 B. NTFS/SWAP C. FAT/SWAP D. FAT/NTFS