web worker是运行在后台的JavaScript,独立于其他脚本,不会影响页面的性能,不能嵌套子线程。
web worker是运行在后台的JavaScript,独立于其他脚本,不会影响页面的性能,不能嵌套子线程。
以下关于web worker的说法,不正确的是( ) A.webworker是运行在后台的JavaScript程序B.webworker会影响页面的性能C.如需终止webworker,并释放浏览器/计算机资源,可以使用terminate()方法D.由于webworker位于外部文件中,无法访问window、document对象
以下关于Javascript的说法中正确的是( ) A.Jquery是区别于Javascript的另一种Web脚本语言B.JavaScript与Jquery不可以混合使用C.Javascript可以以*.js的形式放在单独的文件中D.使用Jquery方法时可以不用引入Jquery库文件
You are designing a Windows Azure application. The application includes two web roles and three instances of a worker role. The web roles will send requests to the worker role through one or more Windows Azure Queues. You have the following requirements: - Ensure that each request is processed exactly one time. - Minimize the idle time of each worker role instance. - Maximize the reliability of request processing. You need to recommend a queue design for sending requests to the worker role. What should you recommend?()A、 Create a single queue. Send requests on the single queue.B、 Create a queue for each web role. Send requests on all queues at the same time.C、 Create a queue for each workerrole instance. Send requests on each worker queue in a round robin.D、 Create a queue for each combination of web roles and worker role instances. Send requests to all worker role instances based on the sending web role.
单选题To take advantage of the capabilities of modern browsers that use web standards, such as XHTML andCSS, your web application is being converted from simple JSP pages to JSP Document format. However,one of your JSPs, /scripts/screenFunctions.jsp, generates a JavaScript file. This file is included in severalweb forms to create screen-specific validation functions and are included in these pages with the followingstatement: 10. 11. 14. 15. Which JSP code snippet declares that this JSP Document is a JavaScript file?()A%@ page contentType=’application/javascript’ %Bjsp:page contentType='application/javascript' /Cjsp:document contentType='application/javascript' /Djsp:directive.page contentType='application/javascript' /ENo declaration is needed because the web form XHTML page already declares the MIME type of the /scripts/screenFunctions.jsp file in the script tag. tag.