

  • A、$("form")
  • B、$("form:eq(0)")
  • C、$("form").eq(0)
  • D、$("form:first")


若有表单 Form1.frm,则执行表单的命令为() A、DO Form1.frmB、DO FORM. Form1C、Modi form1D、DO Form1

与Form1.Show方法效果相同的是( )。A.Form1.Visible=TrueB.Form1.Visible=FalseC.Visible.Form1=TrueD.Visible.Form1=False

语句Form2.Show0表示【 】; 语句Form3.Show1表示【 】;

下面哪些句子正确表达"请填写这张表格。"() A、Please fill in this form.B、Please fill this form.C、Please fill on this form.D、Please fill out this form.

要运行表单文件form1,下列命令正确的是A.DO form1.scxB.DO FORM. form1C.RUN form1.scxD.RUN FORM. form1

窗体加载时,最先发生的事件是( )。A.Form_InitializeB.Form. LoadC.Form_ResizeD.Form. Paint

要把名为Form1的窗体从内存中卸载,应使用语句( )。A.Form1.UnloadB.Close Form1C.Form1.EndD.Unload Form1

程序运行后,利用冒泡法对数组a中的数据按从小到大排序。请在空白处填上适当的内容,在横线处应填写( )。A. Form=0 To 4B. Form=0 To 4C. Form=1 To 4D. Form=1 To 4

一个工程中包含两个名称分别为Form1和Form2的窗体,程序运行后,如果单击 Form1,则隐藏Form1且显示Form2。下列可以执行上述操作的事件过程是A.Private Sub Form_Click() Form1. Hide Form2. Show End SubB.Private Sub Form1_Cliek() Form1. Hide Form2. Show End SubC.Private Sub Form_Click() Form1. Hide=True Form2. Show=True End SubD.Private Sub Form_Load() Form1. Hide Form2. Show End Sub

窗体的隐藏和删除,分别用在不同的场合,隐藏Form1和删除Form1的命令是( )A.Hide Form1 Unload Form1B.Form1.Hide Form1.UnloadC.Form1.Hide Unload Form1D.Hide Form1 Form1.Unload

下列语句用来设置窗体Form1的属性,其中在运行时不能正确操作的语句是A.Form1.Capfin="Form. Test"B.Form.Name="Form. Test"C.Form1.MaxButton=FalseD.Form1.MinButton=False

当双击窗体Form1时,要将窗体Form1隐藏起来、将窗体Form2以模式方式显示出来的事件过程,正确的是A.Private Sub Form. _ Db1Click( ) Forml.Hide Form2.Show 0 End SubB.Private Sub Form. _ Db1Click( ) Form1.Hide Form. 2.Show 1 End SubC.Private Sub Form. _ Click( ) Form. l.Hide Form. 2.Show End SubD.Private Sub Form. _ Dbl Click( ) Form. l.Enabled=False Form. 2.Enabled=True End Sub

You create a multiple form application- Which built-in must you use to invoke the form modules to enable you to programmatically control navigation between the multiple forms in your application?()A、NEW_FORM B、OPEN_FORM C、CALL_FORM D、CLOSE_FORM



与Load Form2等效的语句是()。A、Form2.LoadB、Form2.Visible=FalseC、Form2.ShowD、Form2.Visible=True

如果希望以模态方式显示窗体Form1,下列正确的语句是()。A、Form1.Show 0B、Form1.ShowC、Form1.Show 1D、Form1.Show 0,1


when robert created a response form. he set the "formulas inherit values from selected document" option on the form properties, the field name on the review form is the same as the field name on the inheriting form, however the form does not inherit any data ,why ?()A、he failed to specify the form type  B、the inheriting form is not a response form  C、he specified the same field names on both forms D、he failed to provide inheritance formulas for each field

Form_A invokes Form_B in Post-Only mode. Which statement must be true?()A、Form_A has updates or deletes that have not been posted or committed, and Form_A invokes Form_B with the OPEN_FORM built-in. B、Form_A has updates or deletes that have not been posted or committed, and Form_A invokes Form_B with the CALL_FORM built-in. C、Form_A has inserts that have not been posted or committed, and Form_A invokes Form_B with the OPEN_FORM built-in. D、Form_A has inserts that have not been posted or committed, and Form_A invokes Form_B with the CALL_FORM built in.

Which scenario describes an appropriate use for opening a form in a new session?()A、The data entered into the called form is logically independent of the data entered in the calling form. B、The called form requires different privileges than the calling form. C、The called form must execute as a different user than the calling form. D、The calling form must be able to query data in the called form before it is saved.

Which three built-ins can you use to navigate between forms invoked with the OPEN_FORM built-in? ()A、CLOSE_FORM B、NEXT_FORM C、GO_FORM D、PREVIOUS_FORM

单选题Which scenario describes an appropriate use for opening a form in a new session?()AThe data entered into the called form is logically independent of the data entered in the calling form. BThe called form requires different privileges than the calling form. CThe called form must execute as a different user than the calling form. DThe calling form must be able to query data in the called form before it is saved.

单选题执行命令My Form=Create Object(Form)可以建立一个表单,为了让该表单在屏幕上显示,应该执行命令(  )。AMy Form.ListBMy Form.DisplayCMy Form.ShowDMy Form.Show Form

单选题Form_A invokes Form_B in Post-Only mode. Which statement must be true?()AForm_A has updates or deletes that have not been posted or committed, and Form_A invokes Form_B with the OPEN_FORM built-in. BForm_A has updates or deletes that have not been posted or committed, and Form_A invokes Form_B with the CALL_FORM built-in. CForm_A has inserts that have not been posted or committed, and Form_A invokes Form_B with the OPEN_FORM built-in. DForm_A has inserts that have not been posted or committed, and Form_A invokes Form_B with the CALL_FORM built in.

