Which of the following protocols is the LEAST secure and should be avoided on a wireless network?()A、WEPB、PEAPC、WPAD、TKIP

Which of the following protocols is the LEAST secure and should be avoided on a wireless network?()

  • A、WEP
  • B、PEAP
  • C、WPA
  • D、TKIP


Which of the following routing protocols is strictly a distance vector protocol?()A、IS-ISB、BGPC、EIGRPD、OSPF

Which of the following protocols is used by thin clients?()A、IPXB、NetBIOSC、RDPD、UDP

Which of the following WAN protocols is a packet switching technology?()A、Frame RelayB、POTSC、PSTND、ISDN

Which of the following protocols is commonly used for VoIP technology?()A、TelnetB、SMTPC、SIPD、SNMP

多选题Which of the following protocols utilize TCP?()ANTPBNNTPCSMTPDSNMPEHTTPSFTFTP