marginal ridge

marginal ridge



脊线(Ridge lines)

边际产品价值(Value of marginal product)

Diminishing marginal utility,law of 边际效用递减规律

Marginal revenue product(of an input),( MRP) (一种投入的)边际收益产品

当一个厂商的边际收益曲线(marginal revenue curve)与边际成本曲线(marginal cost curve)有两个交点时,根据MR=MC法则,这两个交点代表的产量都是利润的最大化产量。( )

incisor ridge

边际成本(Marginal cost)

Marginal zone

边际效应 marginal effect

名词解释题泌尿生殖嵴(urogenital ridge)

名词解释题大洋中脊(mid—eanic ridge)

名词解释题marginal ridge

名词解释题脊线(Ridge lines)

单选题_____ refers to the obstruction of the air stream caused by the tongue tip or blade and the alveolar ridge, such as in the production of [t].AStopBDentalCAlveolarDGlide

名词解释题边际成本定价(Marginal cost pricing)

名词解释题边际产量[统计] marginal yield

名词解释题incisor ridge

单选题High pressure ridge()from Sevastopol to eastern Libya.AreachingBextendingCincreasingDupgrading

问答题土地报酬的递减律,边际报酬(Marginal Product)。