SOX is an alternative(1)for XML. It is useful for reading and creating XML content in a(2)editor. It is then easily transformed into proper XML. SOX was created because developers can spend a great deal of time with raw XML. For many of us, the popular XML(3)have not reached a point where their tree views, tables and forms can completely substitute for the underlying(4)language. This is not surprising when one considers that developers still use a text view, albeit enhanced, for editing other languages such as Java. SOX uses(5)to represent the structure ofan XML document, which eliminates the need for closing tags and a number of quoting devices. The result is surprisingly clear.空白(2)处应选择()A、graphicB、programC、commandD、text

SOX is an alternative(1)for XML. It is useful for reading and creating XML content in a(2)editor. It is then easily transformed into proper XML. SOX was created because developers can spend a great deal of time with raw XML. For many of us, the popular XML(3)have not reached a point where their tree views, tables and forms can completely substitute for the underlying(4)language. This is not surprising when one considers that developers still use a text view, albeit enhanced, for editing other languages such as Java. SOX uses(5)to represent the structure ofan XML document, which eliminates the need for closing tags and a number of quoting devices. The result is surprisingly clear. 空白(2)处应选择()

  • A、graphic
  • B、program
  • C、command
  • D、text


You should spend () in the study of the various senses and uses of the common words. A.much time as you time much as you canC.time as many as you much time as you can

Computers can do () work in a short time, but a man can not do () by himself. A.great many…manyB.a great deal of…muchC.much…a great dealD.many…a great many

What you need is just a computer, because you can_____easily get on Internet. A.many useful informationsB.much useful informationC.some useful informationsD.a lot of useful informations

SOX is an alternative syntax for(71). It is useful for reading and creating XML content in a text editor. It is then easily transformed into proper XML. SOX was created because developers can spend a great deal of time with raw XML. For many of us, the popular XML(72)have not reached a point where their tree views, tables and forms can completely substitute for the underlying.(73)language. This is not surprising when one considers that developers still use a(74)view, albeit enhanced, for editing other languages such as Java. SOX uses(75)to represent the structure of an XML document, which eliminates the need for closing tags and a number of quoting devices. The result is surprisingly clear.A.SOAB.UDDIC.XMLD.Web Service

SOX is an alternative(66)for XML. It is useful for reading and creating XML content in a(67)editor. It is then easily transformed into proper XML. SOX was created because developers can spend a great deal of time with raw XML. For many of us, the popular XML(68)have not reached a point where their tree views, tables and forms can completely substitute for the underlying(69)language. This is not surprising when one considers that developers still use a text view, albeit enhanced, for editing other languages such as Java. SOX uses(70)to represent the structure of an XML document, which eliminates the need for closing tags and a number of quoting devices. The result is surprisingly clear.A.semanticB.pragmaticsC.syntaxD.grammar

小学英语?阅读一、考题回顾二、考题解析【教案】Teaching aims:Knowledge aim:Students can master the sentence :”what time is it? it is ..” and you can/ can not ...”Ability aim:Students can improve their reading skills including scanning and skimming skillsEmotional aim:Students can be more interested in English and take part in activities.Key and difficult point:Key Point: know how to ask about the time and master the sentences::”what time is it? it is ..” and you can/ can not ...”Difficult Point: use the sentence structure in daily life.Teaching procedure:Step 1: Warming-up1. Greetings.2. Ask students how did they spend their weekend.3. Ask students “do you know wangfujing street in Beijing”Step 2: Pre-reading1. show a picture about wangfujing street and ask “what can you see in this picture”2. draw a clock and ask students “Do you know how to ask about time?” and “what can you do at this time?Step 3: While-readingGlobal reading: Ask students :”how many characters in the dialogue?” and “where are they”Detailed reading: what does Jenny buy and who will get the gift?Step4: Post-reading1. Role-play: two students in a group. One student act as traveller and one student is tour guide. Give them 5 minutes to make dialogue with what we have learnt today.Step5: Summary and HomeworkSummary: ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the whole class.Homework: ask students to practice the sentence structure learned today with desk mates after class.Blackboard design:1. What will you do if the students don't finish your homework?2. What reading skills are used in the passage?

Many peopleeat potatoes becauseA. it has remained a controversial issueB. they are rising rapidlyC. they are very nourishingD. nobody eats itE. its yield is highF. raw potatoes can decay easily during transit

SOX is an alternative(1)for XML. It is useful for reading and creating XML content in a(2)editor. It is then easily transformed into proper XML. SOX was created because developers can spend a great deal of time with raw XML. For many of us, the popular XML(3)have not reached a point where their tree views, tables and forms can completely substitute for the underlying(4)language. This is not surprising when one considers that developers still use a text view, albeit enhanced, for editing other languages such as Java. SOX uses(5)to represent the structure ofan XML document, which eliminates the need for closing tags and a number of quoting devices. The result is surprisingly clear.空白(1)处应选择()A、semanticB、pragmaticsC、syntaxD、grammar

SOX is an alternative(1)for XML.It is useful for reading and creating XML content in a(2).editor.It is then easily transformed into proper XML.SOX was created because developers can spend a great deal oftime with raw XML.For many ofus,thepopular XML(3)have not reached a point where their tree views,tables and forms can completely substitute for the underlying(4)languagE.This is not surprising when one considers that developers still use a text view,albeit enhanced,for editing other languages such as Java)SOX uses(5)to represent the structure of an XML document,which eliminates the need for closing tags and a number of quoting devices.The result is surprisingly clear.空白(3)处应选择()A、textsB、editorsC、creatorsD、tags

SOX is an alternative(1)for XML.It is useful for reading and creating XML content in a(2).editor.It is then easily transformed into proper XML.SOX was created because developers can spend a great deal oftime with raw XML.For many ofus,thepopular XML(3)have not reached a point where their tree views,tables and forms can completely substitute for the underlying(4)languagE.This is not surprising when one considers that developers still use a text view,albeit enhanced,for editing other languages such as Java)SOX uses(5)to represent the structure of an XML document,which eliminates the need for closing tags and a number of quoting devices.The result is surprisingly clear.空白(1)处应选择()A、semanticB、pragmaticsC、syntaxD、grammar

SOX is an alternative(1)for XML. It is useful for reading and creating XML content in a(2)editor. It is then easily transformed into proper XML. SOX was created because developers can spend a great deal of time with raw XML. For many of us, the popular XML(3)have not reached a point where their tree views, tables and forms can completely substitute for the underlying(4)language. This is not surprising when one considers that developers still use a text view, albeit enhanced, for editing other languages such as Java. SOX uses(5)to represent the structure ofan XML document, which eliminates the need for closing tags and a number of quoting devices. The result is surprisingly clear.空白(5)处应选择()A、indentingB、structureC、frameworkD、bracket

SOX is an alternative(1)for XML.It is useful for reading and creating XML content in a(2).editor.It is then easily transformed into proper XML.SOX was created because developers can spend a great deal oftime with raw XML.For many ofus,thepopular XML(3)have not reached a point where their tree views,tables and forms can completely substitute for the underlying(4)languagE.This is not surprising when one considers that developers still use a text view,albeit enhanced,for editing other languages such as Java)SOX uses(5)to represent the structure of an XML document,which eliminates the need for closing tags and a number of quoting devices.The result is surprisingly clear.空白(2)处应选择()A、graphicB、programC、commandD、text

Which two statements about creating constraints are true? ()A、Constraint names must start with SYS_CB、All constraints must be defines at the column levelC、Constraints can be created after the table is createdD、Constraints can be created at the same time the table is createdE、Information about constraints is found in the VIEW_CONSTRAINTS dictionary view

Which two statements about creating constraints are true?()A、Constraint names must start with SYS_CB、All constraints must be defines at the column level.C、Constraints can be created after the table is created.D、Constraints can be created at the same time the table is created.E、Information about constraints is found in the VIEW_CONSTRAINTS dictionary view.

You are developing a WCF service. The service includes an operation names GetProduct. You need to ensure that GetProduct will accept a POST request and will indicate that the returned data is XML.   Which two actions should you perform?()A、Add the WebGet attribute to the service contract.B、Set WebOperationContext.Current.OutgoingRequest.ContentType to "text/xml" in the GetProduct method.C、Add the WebInvoke attribute to the service contract.D、Set WebOperationContext.Current.OutgoingResponse.ContentType to "text/xml" in the GetProduct method.

You are creating a Windows Forms application by using the .NET Framework 3.5 The application is used by a financial service provider.You discover that the service provider transfers large amounts of data by using XML. You need to read and validate the XMLdocuments in the most time efficient manner.Which technology should you use?()A、The XmlReader classB、The XmlDocument classC、The XmlResolver classD、The LINQ to XML method

Your company has a main office and a branch office. The branch office has three servers that run a Server Core installation of Windows Server 2008 R2. The servers are named Server1, Server2, and Server3. You want to configure the Event Logs subscription on Server1 to collect events from Server2 and Server3. You discover that you cannot create a subscription on Server1 from another computer. You need to configure a subscription on Server1. Which two actions should you perform?() A、Run the wecutil cs subscription.xml command on Server1.B、Run the wevtutil im subscription.xml command on Server1.C、Create an event collector subscription configuration file. Name the file subscription.xml.D、Create a custom view on Server1 by using Event Viewer. Export the custom view to a file named subscription . xml.

单选题Nancy had a great deal of trouble to concentrate on her work because of the noise in the next roomAa great deal ofBto concentrate onCbecause ofDin


单选题You are creating an online catalog application that will display product information on the company Web site. The product data is stored in a SQL Server 2005 database. The data is stored as relational data but must be passed to the application as an XML document by using FOR XML. You test your application and notice that not all of the items matching your query appear in the XML document. Only those products that have values for all elements in the schema appear.   You need to modify your Transact-SQL statement so that all products matching your query appear in the XML document. What should you do?()AAdd an XML index to the table that contains the product data.BAdd the XSINIL argument to the ELEMENTS directive in the query.CAdd a HAVING clause to the query.DAdd the replace value of clause to the query.

单选题It takes a lot of time and effort to develop and maintain a marketing campaign that resonates( 共鸣)with your potential clients. However, you should think more about how to develop amarketing campaign. After all, we’re always looking for ways to increase our competitiveness. Here are some marketing strategies for you to check out. Partner(结伴)with allies. Marketing partnerships have many benefits to push a marketing campaign. For starters, when you stand side by side with someone else, you can deliver better content. If you are at the top of your business, marketing partnerships are cheaper to maintain your success and expose your brand. Embrace user-generated content. According to a survey of 839 millennia’s (千万富翁), they spend 5.4 hours a day communicating with their peers, about 30 percent of their total media time. Similarly, you can also make this by sharing personal stories and exchanging ideas with your customers. This is a good way of carrying out advertisement. Help customers solve a problem. As perfectly stated on Hubs pot,“You”re in business because you provide solutions.”Some of the ways you can help customers solve a problem is by: creating how-to-content; offering exclusives that make their lives easier; listening to them or answering their questions; or creating APPs or tools. Let customers interact. No matter the product or service you’re offering, your customers want to interact with your company, or at least other customers. AMC, for example, created an online tool that allowed you to write down your imaginations. American Express connects small? business owners to each other and helpful resources through its open forum.AMC created an online tool so that .()Aone can write down what he imaginesByour dreams and thoughts will come trueCthey can gather information from customers


多选题Which two statements about creating constraints are true?()AConstraint names must start with SYS_CBAll constraints must be defines at the column levelCConstraints can be created after the table is createdDConstraints can be created at the same time the table is createdEInformation about constraints is found in the VIEW_CONSTRAINTS dictionary view

单选题By saying “raw materials do not exist, they are created” the author means _____.Athat there will be no more raw materials on the earth some time later, and man will have to create materials by themselvesBthat it is use that makes raw materials valuableCthat people have created various useful materials by using their intelligence and wisdomDhuman creativity is amazing

问答题Homeschooling is the practice that one or several families working together to get their kids educated at home by the parents. Nowadays, homeschooling is rapidly growing in popularity in the United States, with the numbers increasing by at least 7 percent every year. There are currently approximately two million children homeschooled throughout the USA. Similarly, homeschooling is becoming a hot topic of debate in China, with a great deal of pros and cons.  The following are opinions from both sides. Read the excerpts carefully and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should:  1. summarize briefly the opinions from both sides, and then  2. give your comment.  Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.  First and foremost, homeschooling offers a great deal of freedom, especially educational freedom. While the basics are certainly covered for all homeschool students, the students have a great deal of freedom over what they specifically learn and when. Students can focus on the subject matter that gets them excited, whether that is history, biology or creative writing. Next, homeschooling offers a great deal of physical freedom. Without the strict schedule of school hours, homework and school trips, families have much more freedom to vacation at odd times, visit museums during the week and other such activities. Additionally, homeschooling offers emotional freedom. Students often experience troubles with bullies, peer pressure, boredom and competition. In a homeschool environment, these factors are eliminated. Students are able to think, dress and act the way that they want, making sure that self-esteem remains intact.  While homeschooling can do a great deal of good, there are also a number of disadvantages. First, there are the time restraints. Whether you work, are a single parent or simply choose a time-intensive schooling method, there is a great deal of factors limiting the time available for homeschooling. Financial restrains are another concern, as a source of income is often lost when the decision is made to homeschool. The closeness of homeschooling may prove too much for some families, as parents often must spend a larger amount of time with their children.  Other disadvantages come from limited social interactions. Firstly, team sports opportunities are limited for most homeschoolers, especially teenagers who want to participate in competitive sports. Secondly, homeschoolers may find themselves limited in outside connection. While family interaction is great, kids should interact with others outside of the family in order to live full and well-developed lives. Lastly, homeschooling is considered unusual, so you may experience negative comments and attitudes as a result of homeschooling.

单选题The ash content of a fuel oil is significant to the operating engineer because it ()Ais an indication of the amount of noncombustible material present in the oilBindicates the quantity of energy released by burning a unit amount of the fuelCis useful for determining proper atomization temperaturesDreflects the overall thermal efficiency of the fuel oil service system

单选题You are creating a Windows Forms application by using the .NET Framework 3.5 The application is used by a financial service provider.You discover that the service provider transfers large amounts of data by using XML. You need to read and validate the XMLdocuments in the most time efficient manner.Which technology should you use?()AThe XmlReader classBThe XmlDocument classCThe XmlResolver classDThe LINQ to XML method