英译中:Loose package

英译中:Loose package


在Java语言中,在包Package1中包含包Package2,类Class_A直接隶属于包Package1,类Class_B直接隶属于包Package2。在类Class_C要应用Class_A的方法A和Class_B的方法,你需要()语句。 A.importPackage1.*;B.importPackage1.Package2.*;C.importPackage2.*;D.importPackage2.Package1.*;

You are the administrator of a SQL Server 2000 computer. Each evening after business hours, you perform. database maintenance tasks. You create a Data Transformation Services package to populate the data warehouse. MAPI is not installed on the server.You want to schedule the DTS package to run each night. You want to attend to other duties while the DTS package is executing. You also want to be notified if the DTS package fails.What should you do?A.Select the DTS packages log package execution to SQL server check box. Create a SQL server event alert to notify you if the package fails.B.Select the DTS packages write completion status to event log check box. Create a SQL server event alert to notify you if the package fails.C.Configure the DTS package to include an on failure precedence constraint and a send mail task. Configure the send mail task to notify you if the package fails.D.Configure the DTS package to include an on failure precedence constraint and a send mail task. Configure the execute process task to execute a not send command that will notify you if the package fails.

声明一个名字为P的包,下面的语句正确的是 A.packagePkg;B.Package P;C.package P;D.package "p";

Persistent knocking in one cylinder of an eight cylinder diesel engine would MOST likely be caused by______.A.using fuel oil with low cetane numberB.a badly worn piston pinC.a loose flywheel keyD.a loose bed plate bolt

用敲锈锤敲去厚锈。()A、Heavy rust is removed with a chipping hammer.B、Loose paint and scale is removed with a scraper.C、Heavy rust is removed with a scraper.D、Loose paint and scale are removed with a chipping hammer.




Which statement is correct about the validate option when upgrading JUNOS software?()A、It will check the MD5 checksum of the install package.B、It will check if the device meets the memory requirements for the install package.C、It will check the compatibility of the configuration with the install package.D、It will check if the device meets the storage requirement for the install package.


Loose paint and scale are removed with ().A、a chipping hammerB、a scraperC、a lining brushD、saw

The bosun is scraping the ()on deck.A、loose paintB、bollardC、derrickD、bridge

RPM是的缩写()A、Red Hat Package MangerB、Red Package MangerC、Redhat PackageD、Package Manger

疏松结缔组织(loose connective tissue)

英译中:Transport package


Choose the correct order to package and upload data for an incident to Oracle Support.()  A、 Schedule,create new package,view manifest,view contentsB、 Create new package,view manifest,view contents,scheduleC、 Schedule,create new package,view contents,view manifestD、 Create new package,view contents,view manifest,scheduleE、 None of the above.


多选题Which statements are true regarding the creation of an incident package file by using the EM Workbench Support?()AYou can add or remove the trace files to the package.BYou can create the incremental incident package ZIP file for new or modified diagnostic information for the incident package already created.CYou can add SQL test cases to the incident package.DYou cannot create an incremental incident package when the physical files are purged rom the ADR.

名词解释题英译中:Transport package

多选题Which two statements are true regarding a PL/SQL package body?()AIt cannot be created without a package specification.BIt cannot invoke subprograms defined in other packages.CIt can contain only the subprograms defined in the package specification.DIt can be changed and recompiled without making the package specification invalid.

单选题RPM是的缩写()ARed Hat Package MangerBRed Package MangerCRedhat PackageDPackage Manger


单选题Choose the correct order to package and upload data for an incident to Oracle Support.()A Schedule,create new package,view manifest,view contentsB Create new package,view manifest,view contents,scheduleC Schedule,create new package,view contents,view manifestD Create new package,view contents,view manifest,scheduleE None of the above.

多选题在Java语言中,在包Package1中包含包Package2, 类Class_A直接隶属于包Package1, 类Class_B直接隶属于包Package2。 在类Class_C要应用Class_A的方法A和Class_B的方法B, 你需要()语句。Aimport Package1.*;Bimport Package1.Package2.*;Cimport Package2.*;Dimport Package2.Package1.*;


名词解释题英译中:Loose package