public String makinStrings() { String s = “Fred”; s = s + “47”; s = s.substring(2, 5); s = s.toUpperCase(); return s.toString(); } How many String objects will be created when this method is invoked?() A、 1B、 2C、 3D、 4E、 5F、 6
public String makinStrings() { String s = “Fred”; s = s + “47”; s = s.substring(2, 5); s = s.toUpperCase(); return s.toString(); } How many String objects will be created when this method is invoked?()
- A、 1
- B、 2
- C、 3
- D、 4
- E、 5
- F、 6
下面的哪些程序段可能导致错误? ( ) Ⅰ: String s = "Gone with the wind"; String t = "good "; String k = s + t; Ⅱ: String s = "Gone with the wind"; String t; t = s[3] + "one"; Ⅲ: String s = "Gone with the wind"; String standard = s.toUpperCase(); Ⅳ: String s = "home directory"; String t = s-"directory":A.Ⅱ、ⅢB.Ⅱ、ⅣC.Ⅰ、ⅣD.Ⅲ、Ⅳ
( 17 )阅读下面程序public class OperatorsAndExpressions {void equalsMethod1(){String s1=new String("how are you");String s2=new String("how are you");System.out.println(s1==s2);}public static void main(String args[]){OperatorsAndExpressions perAndExp=new OperatorsAndExpressions();// 用于复合类型数据的 “ == ” 运算符OperAndExp. equalsMethod1();}}程序运行结果是A ) ==B ) trueC ) falseD ) equal
有如下applet代码:import java.applet.*;import java.awt.*;public class MyApplet extends Applet{AA s;public void int(){s = new AA("Hello!", "I love JAVA.");}public void paint(Graphics g){g.drawString(s.toString(), 30, 50);}}class AA{String s1;String s2;AA(String str1, String str2){s1 = str1;s2 - str2;}public String toString(){return s1 + s2;}}运行后,窗口上将会出现什么,选择一个正确答案______。A.Hello!B.I love JAVA.C.Hello! I love JAVA.D.什么都没有
下列语句输出结果为( )。 public class test\ { public static void main (String args[]) { String s1=new String("How"); String s2=new String("How"); System.out.println(!(s1.equals(s2))); } }A.falseB.trueC.0D.1
publicStringmakinStrings(){Strings=Fred”;s=s+47”;s=s.substring(2,5);s=s.toUpperCase();returns.toString();}HowmanyStringobjectswillbecreatedwhenthismethodisinvoked?() A.1B.2C.3D.4E.5F.6
下列的哪个程序段可能导致错误? ( )A.String s="hello"; String t="good"; String k=s+t;B.String s="hello"; String t; t=s[3]+"one";C.String s="hello"; String standard=s.toUpperCase();D.String s="hello"; String t=s+"good";
下列程序段: String s1=new String("How"); String s2=new String("How"); System.out.println(!(s1==s2)); 的结果为A.falseB.trueC.1D.0
下列语句输出结果为( )。 public class test { public static void main(String args[]) String s1 =newString("HOW"); String s2=newString("How"): System.out.pnntln(!(s1.equals(s2))); } }A.假B.真C.0D.1
下列代码的执行结果是( )。 public class Test{ public static void main String args[]){ String s1=new String("welcome"); String s2=new String("welcome"); System.out.println(s1==s2); System.out.println(s1.equals(s2)); } }A.false,falseB.false,trueC.true,trueD.true,false
阅读下面程序 public class OperatorsAndExpressions { void equalsMethodl(){ String s1=new String("how are you"); String s2=new String("how are you"); System.out.println(s1==s2); } public static void main(String args[]){ OperatorsAndExpressions perAndExp=new OperatorsAndExpressions(); OperAndExp.equalsMethod1(); } } 程序运行结果是( )。A. ==B.trueC.假D.equal
下列语句输出结果为( )。 public class test { public static void main(StringArgsl[]) { String s1=new String("How"); String s2=new String("How"); System.out.println(!(s1==s2)); } }A.falseB.trueC.1D.0
下列代码段的执行结果是( )。 public class Test { public static void main(String args[ ]) { String s1= new String("hello"); String s2= new String("hello"); System.out.println(s1==s2); System.out.println(s1.equal(s2)); } }A.true falseB.true trueC.false trueD.false false
下列的( )程序段可能导致错误。A.String s="hello": Sting t="good"; String k=s+t;B.Sting s="hello"; String t; t=s [3] + "one";C.Sting s="hello"; String standard=s.toUpperCase( );D.String s="hello": Stringt s +"good";
下列的哪个程序段可能导致错误?A.String s = "hello"; String t = "good"; String k = s + t;B.String s = "hello"; String t; t = s[3] + "one";C.String s = " hello "; String standard = s.toUpperCase( );D.String s = "hello"; String t = s + "good";
有如下代码段 public class OperatorAndExceptions { public static void main(String args[]) { int i=10,j=15; System.out.println(i==j); String s1=new String("how are you!"); String s2=new String("how are you!"); System.out.println(s1==s2); } } 其输出为( )。A.true falseB.true trueC.false trueD.false false
执行下列两条语句后,结果s2的值为() string s=“abcdefgh”; string s2=s.Substring(2,3);A、 “bc”B、 “cd”C、 “bcd”D、 “cde”
下面程序的输出结果是() public class Test{ public static void main(String[] args){ String s = “abc dsf ghi”; String[] arr = s.split(“/s”); System.out.println(arr.length); } }A、 编译报错B、 2C、 1D、 3
public class foo { public static void main (Stringargs) { String s; system.out.printIn (“s=” + s); } } What is the result?()A、 The code compiles and “s=” is printed.B、 The code compiles and “s=null” is printed.C、 The code does not compile because string s is not initialized.D、 The code does not compile because string s cannot be referenced.E、 The code compiles, but a NullPointerException is thrown when toString is called.
class Mineral { static String shiny() { return "1"; } } class Granite extends Mineral { public static void main(String [] args) { String s = shiny() + getShiny(); s = s + super.shiny(); System.out.println(s); } static String getShiny() { return shiny(); } } 结果为:() A、3B、12C、111D、编译失败
public class foo { public static void main (String[]args) { String s; system.out.printIn (“s=” + s); } } What is the result?() A、 The code compiles and “s=” is printed.B、 The code compiles and “s=null” is printed.C、 The code does not compile because string s is not initialized.D、 The code does not compile because string s cannot be referenced.E、 The code compiles, but a NullPointerException is thrown when toString is called.
public class foo { static String s; public static void main (String[]args) { system.out.printIn (“s=” + s); } } What is the result?() A、 The code compiles and “s=” is printed.B、 The code compiles and “s=null” is printed.C、 The code does not compile because string s is not initialized.D、 The code does not compile because string s cannot be referenced.E、 The code compiles, but a NullPointerException is thrown when toString is called.
Which of the following fragments might cause errors?() A、 String s = "Gone with the wind";String t = " good ";String k = s + t;B、 String s = "Gone with the wind";String t;t = s[3] + "one";C、 String s = "Gone with the wind";String standard = s.toUpperCase();D、 String s = "home directory";String t = s - "directory";
多选题下面的哪些程序片段可能导致错误()。AString s = “Gone with the wind”; String t = “ good”; String k = s + t;BString s = “Gone with the wind”; String t; t = s[3] + “one”;CString s = “Gone with the wind”; String standard = s.toUpperCase();DString s = “home directory”; String t = s – “directory”;
多选题Which of the following fragments might cause errors?()AString s = Gone with the wind;String t = good ;String k = s + t;BString s = Gone with the wind;String t;t = s[3] + one;CString s = Gone with the wind;String standard = s.toUpperCase();DString s = home directory;String t = s - directory;
单选题执行下列两条语句后,结果s2的值为() string s=“abcdefgh”; string s2=s.Substring(2,3);A “bc”B “cd”C “bcd”D “cde”
单选题class Mineral { static String shiny() { return "1"; } } class Granite extends Mineral { public static void main(String [] args) { String s = shiny() + getShiny(); s = s + super.shiny(); System.out.println(s); } static String getShiny() { return shiny(); } } 结果为:()A3B12C111D编译失败
单选题public String makinStrings() { String s = “Fred”; s = s + “47”; s = s.substring(2, 5); s = s.toUpperCase(); return s.toString(); } How many String objects will be created when this method is invoked?()A 1B 2C 3D 4E 5F 6