- A、一个路由前缀,前48位用于划分子网
- B、一个路由前缀,第49-64位用于划分子网
- C、一个子网前缀,用前48位表示网络号,后80位表示主机号
- D、一个子网前缀,用前48位表示主机号,后80位表示网络号
Your company is designing its network. The network will use an IPv6 prefix of 2001:DB8:BBCC:0000::/53.You need to identify an IPv6 addressing scheme that will support 2000 subnets.Which network mask should you use?()A. /61B. /62C. /63D. /64
Which command can you use to manually assign a static IPV6 address to a router interface?() A. ipv6 address PREFIX_1::1/64B. ipv6 autoconfig 2001:db8:2222:7272::72/64C. ipv6 autoconfigD. ipv6 address 2001:db8:2222:7272::72/64
WhichtwoofthefollowingareconsideredvalidrouterIDsforEIGRPv6?() A.
WhichtwoIPv6addresspairscanbeassignedonapoint-to-pointlinkwitha/125mask?() A.2001:DB8::1and2001:DB8::2B.2001:DB8::9and2001:DB8::10C.2001:DB8::10and2001:DB8::17D.2001:DB8::1and2001:DB8::18
Which two of the following are considered valid router IDs for EIGRPv6? ()A、、、2001:DB8::1D、2001:DB8:ABCD://FEEF://:1
Which IPv6 address correctly compresses the IPv6 unicast address 2001:0:0:0:0DB8:0:0:417A?()A、2001:0DB8:417AB、2001::0DB8::417AC、2001:::0DB8::417AD、2001:0D B8:0:0:417AE、2001::DB8:0:0:417AF、2001:::0DB8:0:0:417A
Which two IPv6 address pairs can be assigned on a point-to-point link with a /125 mask?()A、2001:DB8::1 and 2001:DB8::2B、2001:DB8::9 and 2001:DB8::10C、2001:DB8::10 and 2001:DB8::17D、2001:DB8::1 and 2001:DB8::18
What is the RP for IPv6 multicast address FF76:0130:2001:db8:3811::2323?()A、2001:db8:3811::1B、2001:db8:3811::2323C、2001:db8:3811::0130D、2001:db8:3811::3E、2001:db8:3811::6
Wich command can you use to manually assign a static IPV6 address to a router interface?()A、ipv6 address PREFIX_1::1/64B、ipv6 autoconfig 2001:db8:2222:7272::72/64C、ipv6 autoconfigD、ipv6 address 2001:db8:2222:7272::72/64
单选题What is the RP for IPv6 multicast address FF76:0130:2001:db8:3811::2323?()A2001:db8:3811::1B2001:db8:3811::2323C2001:db8:3811::0130D2001:db8:3811::3E2001:db8:3811::6
多选题Which two IPv6 address pairs can be assigned on a point-to-point link with a /125 mask?()A2001:DB8::1 and 2001:DB8::2B2001:DB8::9 and 2001:DB8::10C2001:DB8::10 and 2001:DB8::17D2001:DB8::1 and 2001:DB8::18
单选题Your company is designing its network. The network will use an IPv6 prefix of 2001:DB8:BBCC:0000::/53.You need to identify an IPv6 addressing scheme that will support 2000 subnets. Which network mask should you use?()A/61B/62C/63D/64
多选题Which two of the following are considered valid router IDs for EIGRPv6?()A0.0.0.1B0.255.0.1C2001:DB8::1D2001:DB8:ABCD://FEEF://:1
单选题Wich command can you use to manually assign a static IPV6 address to a router interface?()Aipv6 address PREFIX_1::1/64Bipv6 autoconfig 2001:db8:2222:7272::72/64Cipv6 autoconfigDipv6 address 2001:db8:2222:7272::72/64
单选题Which IPv6 address correctly compresses the IPv6 unicast address 2001:0:0:0:0DB8:0:0:417A?()A2001:0DB8:417AB2001::0DB8::417AC2001:::0DB8::417AD2001:0D B8:0:0:417AE2001::DB8:0:0:417AF2001:::0DB8:0:0:417A