- A、R5不变
- B、R5=R5+2
- C、R5=R2+2
- D、R5=2
Routers R1, R2, R3, and R4 connect to the same LAN- based subnet. OSPF is fully working in the subnet. Later, R5, whose OSPF priority is higher than the other four routers, joins the subnet.Which of the following are true about the OSPF database exchange process over this subnet at this point?()A. R5 will send its DD, LSR, and LSU packets to the all - DR - routers multicast address.B. R5 will send its DD, LSR, and LSU pack ets to the all - DR - routers multicast address.C. The DR will inform R5 about LSAs by sending its DD, LSR, and LSU packets to the all- SPF - routers multicast address.D. The DR will inform R5 about LSAs by sending its DD, LSR, and LSU pa ckets to the all- SPF - routers multicast address.
Refer to the exhibit. On the basis of the configuration provided, how are the Hello packets sent by R2 handled by R5 in OSPF area 5?() A. The Hello packets will be exchanged and adjacency will be established between routers R2 and R5.B. The Hello packets will be exchanged but the routers R2 and R5 will become neighbors only.C. The Hello packets will be dropped and no adjacency will be established between routers R2 and R5.D. The Hello packets will be dropped but the routers R 2 and R5 will become neighbors.
FANUC-0I系统数控车床车削一段起点为(X40,Z-20)、终点为(X50,Z-25)、半径为5mm的外圆凸圆弧面,正确的程序段是:()A、G98 G02 X40 Z-20 R5 F80B、G98 G02X 50 Z-25 R5 F80C、G98 G03 X40 Z-20 R5 F80D、G98 G03 X50 Z-25 R5 F80
单选题在无转发机制的五段基本流水线(取指、译码/读寄存器、运算、访存、写回寄存器)中,下列指令序列存在数据冒险的指令对是( )。I1:add R1,R2,R3;(R2)+(R3)→R1I2:add R5,R2,R4;(R2)+(R4)→R5I3:add R4,R5,R3;(R5)+(R3)→R4I4:add R5,R2,R6;(R2)+(R6)→R5AI1和I2BI2和I3CI2和I4DI3和I4