单选题AA rescuer on the Golden Gate Bridge.BA professional diver.CA telephone operator.DA guard on the Golden Gate Bridge.


A rescuer on the Golden Gate Bridge.


A professional diver.


A telephone operator.


A guard on the Golden Gate Bridge.


细节题。文章首句交代Larry是“one of the rescuers on the Golden Gate Bridge”,故A项正确。


GATE帧的作用是允许接收到GATE帧的ONU立即或者在指定的时间段发送数据 A.错误B.正确

______ that this policy will be a golden opportunity for all business sectors.AThere is no doubtBthere is no factCUndoubtingDIt has no doubt

Which one is the longest cross-sea bridge in the world?() A、It is the Golden Gate BridgeB、It is the London BridgeC、It is the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge

Mary ( ) brown eyes and golden hair.A. haveB. have gotC. has got

She paid the builder()the gate.Ato repairBrepairCrepairingDrepaired

She paid the builder()the gate.A、to repairB、repairC、repairingD、repaired

金降落(golden parachute)


下列哪种ORACLE技术实现了数据高可用()A、DBMB、RACC、golden gateD、SGA

8253—5工作于方式 0,当门控信号 GATE为()电平时计数,GATE为()电平时禁止计数。









departure gate——登机口

单选题Unlike the globe valve, gate valves give full bore flow without change of direction, such a valve is not suitable to partially open operationAccording to the above sentence, which of the following statements is not true?()AThe globe valve may be suitable for partially open operationBThe globe valve will give full bore flow with change of directionCThe gate valve gives full bore flow with change of directionDThe gate valve is suitable for full bore operation only

单选题She paid the builder()the gate.Ato repairBrepairCrepairingDrepaired

名词解释题金降落(golden parachute)

填空题8253—5工作于方式 0,当门控信号 GATE为()电平时计数,GATE为()电平时禁止计数。


单选题It is human nature to think back to a Golden Age()one’s country was strong and respected.AwhenBprovidedCasDunless

单选题The woman with golden hair was taken away by the security guards on()of being a criminal.AsuspectBsuspicionCdoubtDbelief

单选题AA rescuer on the Golden Gate Bridge.BA professional diver.CA telephone operator.DA guard on the Golden Gate Bridge.

问答题San Francisco, open your Golden Gate, sang the girl in the theatre. She never finished her song. That date was 18th April, 1906. The earth shook and the roof suddenly divided, buildings crashed to the ground and people rushed out into the streets. The dreadful earthquake destroyed the city that had grown up when men discovered gold in the deserts of California. But today the streets of San Francisco stretch over more than forty steep hills, rising like huge cliffs above the blue waters of the Pacific Ocean.